Hey y'all. This is a 2023 320S Signature Series, which is most of a boondock with different trim.
As you can see, the back of this camper has a groove that collects leaves, soon to be filled with pollen, and also water I assume. I was musing on a way to block out the leaves and a friend suggested clear sealant. Maybe? But I don't know whether this would block off venting for all those machines under the seats in the back of the camper, or if this is snap off stuff that might be necessary to remove if you need repairs. Any suggestions?
I have cleared it out numerous times but the tree doesn't care.Thanks, y'all.
Thanks for the info on the sealing. My only thought is that it doesn't have to be perfect to keep leaves out but I guess it could allow water in and prevent it from evaporating. Maybe I should just put some masking tape over it and remove it when we travel.