We decided that a 27" width was going to be a good size for us and leave ample walking room in between. We already had 2" foam roll-up toppers and sheet setups in that size from some of our other "adventures".
I took out the sliding bed platforms altogether. I then moved the forward vertical wall out about 3-4 inches - about 2-3 inches shy of the 27 inch total width. This was possible without very much trouble on either side with the was the pieces were fastened. I then made new hinged tops that were 27" wide in total. I stained them black to match the cabinetry. Here is a photo of some of that work in progress (along with electrical mods going on):

On the drivers side, I have installed all of the electrical systems (Tow vehicle charger, rooftop solar charger, external suitcase charger, 2000W inverter, AC switching and fuses for 12V extras). I added a gas cylinder and an automatic light to come on when open. I replaced the WFCO box with a quiet muffin fan with temperature sensing to come on if it got too warm in there.....

On the other side, the additional room by moving the forward wall allowed for a nice shoe storage bin, with light of course

Finally we had new cushions made with high-end 4" foam and good fabric. I think it came out pretty good. We got rid of all the side cushions in favor of a small (easy storage when sleeping) deep back cushion for sitting on the now longer base seats. You can also see the fold-down mini drink tables we put on each side. Excuse the cardboard still protecting the floor from all my mistakes!!!