Storage Bin for front of trailer

I recently had a storage bin custom fabricated for my T@B 400. It was manufactured at a small shop in Peterborough Ontario. Dimensions are as follows - 68” long, 20” height, 25” width for the bottom, 19.5” width for the top/lid. Storage box is contoured on the back. Material is 0.090” aluminum checker plate. Cost was $1800 Can. additional $345 Can to install.
The owner and his team were very easy and pleasant to work with.
I like the bin also as it utilzes the space better than three separate bins.
The owner is Alex and his company is Bruce Custom Fabricating.
I hope this might be of  interest to some of you folks looking for storage ideas.


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,070
    That is really nice!
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • CherokeeCherokee Member Posts: 245
    wow! - that's a lot of volume for anyone with HEALTHY rear springs on their TV
    TV:2019 Nissan Frontier PRO-4X With an Old Man Emu lift
    Trailer: 2019 T@B 320 Boondock with a Lock&Roll Coupler & Jack-e-up
    Custom fabricated metal bottom cladding
    California, USA
  • BrianRBrianR Member Posts: 22
    Looks great! Can't tell from the pictures but you should have vents down low for propane. They are pretty easy to add if you don't already have some. 
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,479
    edited March 24
    Since @BrianR mentioned venting requirement, I add this here for anyone interested.

    I'm guessing that regulations vary from place to place, but this is a good start. Ventilation of Compartments Containing LP-Gas
     Compartments shall be ventilated at or near the
    top and at the extreme bottom to facilitate diffusion of vapors.
    The compartment shall be ventilated with at least two vents
    having an aggregate free area equal to at least 1 sq/in for each 7 lb
    (1 cm 2  per 500 grams) of the total LP-Gas fuel capacity ....

    So, for a single 20lb tank, two 1-1/2" diameter holes (one top / one bottom) is what I did. Since @RScottDickie has two tanks, he would require more.

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • RScottDickieRScottDickie Member Posts: 6
    I think it meets reguations as it has an opening about 10"x6" at the top and two smaller vent holes towards the bottom. You can just see the opening at the top in the attached image. Thanks for all the imput.
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