
Alde Display

2017 T@b Max S, Outback edition
We are going to be camping (2nd trip) the week of Christmas and will probably need heat and will definitely need hot water.  Our hot water was **very** limited our first trip, but it was not very cold out so we were okay.  This time around we are going to look at the Mixing Valve on the hot water/cold water to see if adjusting it helps (I read somewhere that this can be an issue). 

But my question is about the Alde display/control panel that  is mounted to the wall.  Once you turn it on and set the parameters for heat / hot water, if you hit the "off" button in the lower left corner, does that turn the whole system off or just the display?  Would love to be able to turn off the display at night and still have heat.  Is there a way to do this?


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