Alde Water heater replacement



  • PhotomomPhotomom Member Posts: 2,217
    @Paula did you ever get a resolution to this problem?
    John and Henrietta, Late 2016 T@B S Max in Western New York
  • PaulaPaula Member Posts: 6

    Sorry I took so long getting back to everyone. Life...
    Well, as many of you guessed, it was just the safety/relief switch!  When I pulled into the camping spot it was after dark and I was in hurry to get everything hooked up. I couldn't find my pressure relief valve so I just hooked up anyway. Yeah, not a good idea. The water pressure tripped the switch which is done automatically to protect the system. It also automatically resets itself. The service I received at Princess Craft RV in Austin, TX was outstanding! I wish I would have purchased my camper there. They will be servicing my camper from now on even though it's a 2 1/2 hour drive. I appreciate everyone's reassurances and comments. What a great community! 

    2016 T@b Max S--Houston TX
    TV: 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
  • VelojonVelojon Member Posts: 1
    I know this is a really dated thread but I found it while searching for answers to an Alde issue I was having. I figured I would add my 2 cents to this in the event somebody else happens upon the thread while searching for solutions. While I have a Cirrus and not a Tab, the problem and fix works for both.

    My wife and I are on our way across country and heading to Alaska. We found that water was pouring out of the overflow tubes under our camper — not the hot/cold/fresh drain tubes— and I couldn’t find a solution. I had been plugging in to State Park water for the most part and not using a regulator because I never turn the spigot on full. I called Truma and was bounced around for about a day when somebody finally told me that I had a boiler issue caused by not winterizing properly. The fix was north of $2k and a month delay for our trip so obviously I wasn’t happy. 

    I began researching as well as studying the Alde 3020 system (hands on as well as internet research) and determined a cracked boiler tank could not possibly be the culprit. That’s when I stumbled on this Tab discussion and saw that many posters talked about a water pressure safety valve. I immediately went out and purchased a water regulator and, for $20, it solved the problem. Thanks to this discussion I saved a trip to an Alde tech and potentially a $2k + bill. 

    Thanks for your help and, for anybody else who stumbles on this discussion while freaking out trying to fix a potentially expensive issue, try the water regulator first. 
  • pakpak Member Posts: 120
    This forum is full of very helpful people and is awesome. Thanks to all.
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