Norcold Gasket fell off

This weekend the gasket on the norcold just fell off, it almost looks like it wasn't even held on by anything I don't see any glue or anything like that on it.

How should these be attached? My T@B is only about 2 months old. I figured I would call the dealer tomorrow, but if I could fix it easily with like some gasket glue or something.


  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    This weekend the gasket on the norcold just fell off, it almost looks like it wasn't even held on by anything I don't see any glue or anything like that on it.

    How should these be attached? My T@B is only about 2 months old. I figured I would call the dealer tomorrow, but if I could fix it easily with like some gasket glue or something.

    Part of mine fell off last summer and when I put it back in place it just seemed to stay on its own. I will be interested to hear what the dealer tells you. Do you live in a dry area?

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • blackc2004blackc2004 Member Posts: 117
    I live in the SF bay area, it's been hot during the day but cold at night.

    The whole thing a square one piece gasket came off.
  • BirdieJaneBirdieJane Member Posts: 237
    We live in the north west corner of Washington state and ours is falling out as well, I can reseat it but was wondering if I should glue it. Out trailer is a 2017. When it comes out it falls on the floor.
    2017 T@B Outback white w black trim / 2019 Subaru Ascent White with black trim / Birch Bay WA.
    aka BirdieJane towed by Quinn
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,059
    edited July 2017
    My gasket on my 2017 fell out.  Working carefully, I pressed it back into the groove, making sure the corners lined up perfectly.  I used a little mallet and gave it a soft pop all along the gasket surface  to make sure the it was pressed in as well as possible.  I did this several months ago and it hasn't been an issue since.
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • RollingLagrimaRollingLagrima Member Posts: 435
    I have a 2016 shipped/received in April of 2015 and I have never had any issue with the gasket on the fridge. I live in a VERY dry and  hot (10 months of the year) location and have worried that the dry air/heat would "cook" the norcold trim but it has not. Maybe the composition of the 2017 trim is different. Or, the more consistent fluctuations in temperature are affecting the trim...?
    Sally, "PlaT@Bus" 2016 T@B Sofitel Maxx-S (plata=silver; SP), previously Little Guy 2014 Silver Shadow LE, TV -- 2013 Chevy Avalanche + two hounds.
  • RoameyRoamey Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2017
    Our 2018 seal came off on our first trip. It seems to be a press fit. We had to clean off the refrigerator surface and door groove and press it back in. There always seems to be a lot of moisture in the fridge which we have to continually wipe up to keep the sealing surfaces dry. 
       T@B trip wherever
    New surprises everyday
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  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    @Roamey, I can help with the moisture part of the problem. I took a dish drying mat (available at Walmart, Bed Baht and Beyond, etc.) and cut it to size for the bottom of the fridge. It absorbs the condensation and keeps it inside the fridge. When I get home from a trip, I either wash it by hand in the kitchen sink or put it in the washing machine with laundry. Do not dry it in the dryer--air dry only. 

    This is working a lot lot better than using paper towels or dish towels since the mat is so absorbent. 

    I'll check with the nüCamp factory to make them aware of the Norcold problem. Those of you under warranty, please contact your dealers as @blackc2004 is doing today for your fridge gasket problem. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • RoameyRoamey Member Posts: 239
    @Verna,Thank you, that's a good idea. We were just using paper towels which quickly became soaked. 
       T@B trip wherever
    New surprises everyday
       See beautiful world
  • Smullis7Smullis7 Member Posts: 221
    I had the same issue with the gasket, but only when I came down in altitude (I live at 6700').  I had the dealership seal it on (not sure what they used) when I had it in for hail damage repairs.
    Sheila and the Mullis Pups (Winston, Morgan, Leroy & Dakota)
    M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.

  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    We had the same problem on our 2017 and got some original gorilla glue which needs to be damp to work. squeezed it into the track all the way around pushed the seal back into to the track and shut the door. I did this all just before we went to bed and woke up the next morning with a very solid seal....No more problem the rest of the trip. 
    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
  • blackc2004blackc2004 Member Posts: 117
    I called the dealer and they are supposed to get back to me. But I like your gorilla glue idea. I was thinking about just using weatherstrip glue.
  • CyclonicCyclonic Member Posts: 1,232
    @Verna, yes, the mat works great.

    The seal is held in by pressure only, they are not glued into place.  You can glue it in, don't see why not, but for me if it comes loose I just reseat it and close the door, no big deal.

    States the T@Bpole has camped, so far ;)
    Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
    Sterling, VA
  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    blackc2004 said:
    I called the dealer and they are supposed to get back to me. But I like your gorilla glue idea. I was thinking about just using weatherstrip glue.
    the original gorilla glue is ideal for this for two reasons:
    1. The surfaces need to be damp to work, so you can do this when your out on the road. 
    2. The glue it will fill the in around the barbed edges giving it great holding power. 

    But that is only my humble opinion.

    Warning: anyone trying this or any of my mods may find great success or great failure, depending on how it works. Many people believe but no one knows for sure that some mods are great and some aren't.

    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    Cyclonic said:
    @Verna, yes, the mat works great.

    The seal is held in by pressure only, they are not glued into place.  You can glue it in, don't see why not, but for me if it comes loose I just reseat it and close the door, no big deal.
    ours was coming off every time we opened the fridge.
    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
  • blackc2004blackc2004 Member Posts: 117
    I used the original gorilla glue idea, we will see how it holds up on the trip this weekend!
  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    I used the original gorilla glue idea, we will see how it holds up on the trip this weekend!
    you won't even remember it was a problem.
    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
  • linolino Member Posts: 231
    Looks like I will need to get the gorilla glue out
    Ours popped out the first weekend we used the fridge
    Thanks to those that posted feedback and creating this thread
  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    lino said:
    Looks like I will need to get the gorilla glue out
    Ours popped out the first weekend we used the fridge
    Thanks to those that posted feedback and creating this thread
    Easiest fix ever
    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
  • linolino Member Posts: 231
    Thanks dsatwork
    The glue fixed the hinge on my cabinet so we always have it
  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    lino said:
    Thanks dsatwork
    The glue fixed the hinge on my cabinet so we always have it
    It should come in the little "Go Bag" the dealers gives you with the 50 psi water pressure connector and sample size poop deodorant.
    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
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