T&B 400 Generator for Cool Cat?

Looking for a AC Generator, Spec's on the Dometic state 10,150 BTU with 8.9 compressor Amp and 2.2 for the fan. 
The spec's recommend a 2.8 KW size generator. I was looking at the Yamaha 2.4 with "High Current Output" for AC starts. Any recommendations? Thanks


  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    Many folks had success with 2kw Honda or Yamaha generators running CCs in the DM T@Bs.  Others with different different brands needed 3kw units.  The Yamaha 2.4 you mention sounds like a good choice. 

  • Justin_in_SeattleJustin_in_Seattle Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2017
    The Yamaha EF2400iSHC looks like a great option. That's the same genset we're leaning toward for our 400.

    For what it's worth, even a 2KW generator like the Honda EU2000 or Yamaha EF2000iSv2 should be able to start and run the Cool Cat if you add a Micro-Air EasyStart 364 soft starter, https://www.microair.net/products/easystart-364-3-ton-single-phase-soft-starter-for-air-conditioners?variant=30176048267

    The EasyStart is a little pricey, but IIRC you can use the coupon code "AIRSTREAM" to get a discount at their web site.

    Note that generators lose power as temperatures rise, and also as they gain altitude. So a 2KW generator that runs a Cool Cat at 85ºF in Miami might NOT start it at 105ºF in Denver.

    The Yamaha 2400 W unit is significantly heavier than the Honda or Yamaha 2KW units, but it gives a little extra margin in case you decide to use the Cool Cat on a hot day at high altitude.

    We love mountains so we plan to use our Yamaha 2400 in midsummer 5000-6,000 feet up on Mt Rainier, Mt Baker, Mt Saint Helens, etc (if it works) :)

    Also, once we get it, we're planning to convert our Yamaha 2400 to use tri-fuel so that we can run it off propane using a Motor Snorkel, https://www.motorsnorkel.com
    2018 nuCamp T@B 400  +  2016 BMW X1 tow vehicle
  • JeffinnhJeffinnh Member Posts: 9
    Justin, Thanks for your input. We were fortunate enough to be on Mt. Rainier in early June and you certainly didn't need AC.  We were on a  2 month car camping trip from New Hampshire. One of the excuses we used to buy the trailer was a rather soggy loop through Washington. Absolutely loved the mountains, parks, and people.  

    I am still up in the air on the generator as we may not camp in the higher elevations as they aren't many high places that are camper accessible in the east. The Easy Start is intriguing, as you may be able to start the AC off a 15-20 amp exstention cord from the house. Could be fun. Thanks Jeff
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