Alko dampner

Hi folks. I have a 2007 T@B that has an Al-Ko chassis. The internal dampner in the hitch has failed..any suggestions on where to find a replacement? Thx


  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,037
    edited August 2017
    I think you may be referring to the surge brake actuation in the tongue.  I have attached two .pdf  files describing operation and adjustment.

  • RoameyRoamey Member Posts: 239
    edited September 2017
    Found this, don't know if it will help. 

    Corporate Office
    21608 Protecta Drive
    Elkhart, IN 46516

    Phone: 574 - 294 - 6651
    Fax: 574 - 294 - 7267

    To get the right damper you need the ETI number from the hitch head, remove the frame cover and stamped on the top of the A frame you should find a number such as     ETI 811011 that is the identifier for the damper


    Assuming you have an Al-Ko chassis, remove the hitch head by the two bolts going through the side of the hitch head,  and one bolt vertically at the rear(nearest the van).
    The hitch damper should slide out towards the van, make sure you catch the spacer plate which is at the rear as it drops out.
    If there is not enough room for the damper to slide out, undo the 4 bolts holding the hitch assembly to the chassis and tilt the hitch to allow room.
    Make sure the new damper has the locating eye at 90 degrees so as to line up with the fixing bolt at the front, and the rear locating eye vertical to line up with the rear bolt.
    Slide it in replacing the spacer and fix with the rear bolt, retighten the 4 bolts of the hitch if you have undone them to get the damper out.
    Fit the hitch head with the front bolt ONLY, then compress the hitch as far as it will go and pull it out quickly, and with a suitable screwdriver or rod, catch the front fixing eye as it extends into the hitch, refit the front bolt and torque all up to their recommended torque figure. (you may have to practice catching the eye several times, and repeat the compression of the hitch until you catch the eye.)

    Andy Higham13/07/2014 13:19 Its a 20 minute job.
    The only tricky(ish) part is you will need to cut a length of round bar the same diameter as the attachment bolts and the same length as the draw tube. I used a piece of wooden dowelling I had lying around.
    1) Undo the 2 bolts securing the hitch and remove.
    2) Undo and remove the bolt at the back of the draw tube, you can usually reach it from underneath the A frame
    3) Pull the old damper out and feed the new one in
    4) Replace the back bolt and tighten
    5) Push the end of the damper until the holes lines up and push in your "dowel"
    6) Replace the hitch and push the front bolt in, then push the rear bolt in, it will push your dowel out
    7) Tighten all bolts
    8) Make a brew, sit down and admire your work

       T@B trip wherever
    New surprises everyday
       See beautiful world
  • RoameyRoamey Member Posts: 239
    Stabilus may make compatible replacement parts for the hitch damper. 

    U S A
    S t a b i l u s I n c .
    12 0 1 Tu l i p D r i v e
    G a s t o n i a N C 2 8 0 5 2 - 18 9 8
    U S A
    +1 7 0 4 8 6 5 -74 4 4
    +1 7 0 4 8 6 5 -7 7 8 1
    i n f o @ u s . s t a b i l u s . c o m
    U S A

    S t a b i l u s D e t r o i t
    S a l e s O f f i c e A u t o m o t i v e
    3 6 2 2 5 M o u n d R o a d
    St e r l i n g H e i g h t s , M I 4 8 310 - 47 3 9
    U S A
    +1 5 8 6 9 7 7 - 2 9 5 0
    +1 5 8 6 4 4 6 - 3 9 2 0
    i n f o @ u s . s t a b i l u s . c o m
    U S A

    S t a b i l u s C h i c a g o
    S a l e s O f f i c e I n d u s t r i a l
    9 19 N . P l u m G r o v e R o a d , S u i t e G
    S c h a u m b u r g I L 6 0 17 3
    U S A
    +1 8 4 7 517 - 2 9 8 0
    +1 8 4 7 517 - 2 9 8 7
    i n f o @ u s . s t a b i l u s . c o m
       T@B trip wherever
    New surprises everyday
       See beautiful world
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