Renogy BT app for SR HP-2440B

JilongJilong Member Posts: 87
My recently purchased 2019 T@B 400 has an SR HP-2440B solar charge controller installed with the factory panels. The controller has an LCD display but it's in an inconvenient location that can only be accessed under the head of the bed or from the outside panel to access the drains. I found that the Renogy BT app from the Google Play Store can connect to the controller via Bluetooth without requiring any authentication and display the information on an Android phone.
2018 Tab 400 × 2013 Toyota Highlander Limited AWD


  • LSkrabutLSkrabut Member Posts: 136
    FYI, for the Administrator PW, I found it uses the same one that Grape Solar uses. 135790123

    Utah Driven

    2019 T@B 400 (Ex 2018 400)

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  • BobberBobber Member Posts: 16
    I have the HP controller with the Renogy App. Can someone tell me what the on/off load status means?
  • CbusguyCbusguy Member Posts: 771
    there is a relay that will let you turn off the load if you wired the controller that way.    Not sure many folks do that as it is only safe at low amperages

    2009 GMC Canyon,   3.7 liter 
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  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,060
    This is a description of the "load" terminals on a solar controller.  They are basically used to power and control low voltage things like lights or small pumps, etc.  All of the various solar controllers I own have the load terminals, but I've never used them.

    At Sunstore we are often asked about how the solar charge controller load output terminal should be used.

    The load output on the charge controllers is ideal for putting small lighting circuits on in sheds, garages and outbuildings. We have a similar system set up in one of our workshops powering 3 LED bulbs, this gives us plenty of light for product testing etc. It is possible to put small pumps or motors on to the load output, but you should make sure that the maximum load does not exceed the rating of the charge controller otherwise it will trip the controller on board electronic fuse.

    If you are installing your solar kit in a Motorhome or Caravan it is unlikely that you will need to use the load output on the charge controller as your load will be running from the existing system within your Motorhome or Caravan. We do not recommend using this function to power the van as it can be problematic and cause all manner of other issues.

    2017 Outback
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