@Terri, do you have the Alde? Wetbath? Here is a thread with a PDF that I posted. Also, look under the “Category” section in the left column of the Home page for an area called “User Manuals” and there are more helpful files there, too.
Hello, and thank you for responding. I do not have the Alde. I have a shower, a sink in the bathroom, toilet, small hot water tank, refrigerator, and a kitchen sink. It is a 2013 TAB Little Guy 16S Wet Bath
@Marceline, you have a 2013. Does it have a hot water tank?
Yes I have hot water. It is a 110v water heater that only runs on shore power. It’s located under my front bench. But I’ve never had to winterize so I don’t have any advice. I think @AldebaranJill (also 2013) has a propane heater.
San Francisco Bay Area 2013 CS-S us@gi 2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
@Marceline, you have a 2013. Does it have a hot water tank?
Yes I have hot water. It is a 110v water heater that only runs on shore power. It’s located under my front bench. But I’ve never had to winterize so I don’t have any advice. I think @AldebaranJill (also 2013) has a propane heater.
I have an on-demand hot water heater, so no real hot water related water reservoir. I have a 6 gallon fresh water tank under sink and 19 gallon combined gray/black holding tank. To winterize I let gravity empty and then run pump till it spurts dry then I pour antifreeze into all drains. I store trailer at my house okugfrd in and run a mini oil heater. I also live in PNW so usually not below freezing for more than a few days. If headed into real winter conditions I am forced to put anti freeze into fresh water tank and run thru pipes. But only do this if forced ro.
2013 MAXX T@B towed by a 2015 Volvo S60 5 CYL AWD Sedan Seattle, WA
From what I gleaned from the Yahoo Tab Trailer Group and the search I did is that how you winterize with a regular hot water tank will depend if you can bypass the tank or not. You don't want antifreeze in the tank - just drain it by pulling the plug and lifting the vent lever to let air into the tank so it can drain.
If you are only going to drain and blow out like the majority of TaB owners, you don't need to worry about the by pass on the tank.
Treatment of your pump is probably no different from current pumps - empty your fresh tank and then run the pump dry for a short bit, then after draining your lines, disconnect the hoses on both sides of the pump to make sure the excess water runs out. Then blow our the remainder of your lines. You can follow the guide I posted above pretty closely.
Here is what I found:
In the Yahoo Tab Trailer Group I found someone with a 2014 (made in 2013) mention that they had a Burke and White electric only 2.5 gallon water heater and an Atwood Furnace. Another member with a 2013 TaB Q Max
Another resource noted "Facebook T@da T@b and T@gowners group there is an excellent video by William
Riley that walks you through the process of winterizing the hot waterheater."
Like Terri I also have a T@B Little Guy that was produced prior to the switch to the Alde system. (I presume mine was an early 2014 production) I have the small (2.5 gallon?) Bradford White water heater located under the sink and accessed from inside the trailer. My water tank and pump are located at the driver side/front of the trailer where other trailers have their wet bath. I have an outdoor shower and grey water capacity - no lavatory. As a newbie to winterizing myself, I'm trying to cobble together clear instructions. Unfortunately, there are so many variations and models across different years, it's been challenging. May go to our dealer again and pay $$ This time I'll watch if possible!
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
Seattle, WA
If you are only going to drain and blow out like the majority of TaB owners, you don't need to worry about the by pass on the tank.
Treatment of your pump is probably no different from current pumps - empty your fresh tank and then run the pump dry for a short bit, then after draining your lines, disconnect the hoses on both sides of the pump to make sure the excess water runs out. Then blow our the remainder of your lines. You can follow the guide I posted above pretty closely.
Here is what I found:
In the Yahoo Tab Trailer Group I found someone with a 2014 (made in 2013) mention that they had a Burke and White electric only 2.5 gallon water heater and an Atwood Furnace. Another member with a 2013 TaB Q Max
Another resource noted "Facebook T@da T@b and T@gowners group there is an excellent video by William Riley that walks you through the process of winterizing the hot water heater."
Do a You Tube search on winterizing a Tada. They have a water heater that you access from the outside. He only drains it.
Do a You Tube search for Winterize a RV bradford white water heater and see what comes up.
Found a schematic, too.
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.