Good morning, I'm new to both RV and T@B ownership, taking the plunge sharing a 2018 Tab 320S with a long time camping buddy and two camping loving cairn terriers, affectionately known as "the girls". I was attracted to the T@B by its attention to detail, features, and small size hopefully allowing me to continue to camp in my favorite northern Minnesota areas while being able to use the Alde for hot showers and to extend the season. (It can get down to freezing at night by the 3rd week of August which is a little cool for the girls and makes for chilly mornings for the humans.)
Have been visiting this group reading and learning, very impressed with everyone's kindness and thoroughness in responding to questions and concerns. We have purchased 100W solar panels from Renogy and are working on teztab's twin bed mod and Homebodyatheart's idea for switching out the Lagin table for a smaller wood cutting board. Our background is decades of backpacking and canoe camping so we are used to sharing small spaces and traveling light. A lot of that gear can be used in the T@B which is nice.
We have a local shakedown trip the first week of May to practice hitching/unhitching and using the solar panels and Alde then a 12 day trip to Buffalo River State Park (MN), Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Makoshika State Park (MT) the last week of May/early June. More trips planned this summer too and excited!
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T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
Having spent decades self-sufficient tent camping I'm most worried about correctly hitching the RV to the car. (The luxuries in the RV will be great but if needed we can do without them as long as it is intact and we have a safe place to sleep.)
Will send pics!
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI