Caulking Guide?



  • xdrxdr Member Posts: 284
    We have been wanting to run a bead of caulk along the back of our Tab between the red plastic and the gray exterior. The gap there is irregular and catches all kinds of leaves and debris. I don’t think we would want a glue, just a sealant. 
    Is it a good idea to add a caulk/sealant to this area? Has anyone else run caulking along the back?
    The plan is to thoroughly clean out debris/ let it dry and run as small a bead as necessary to close the gap. 
    Thanks for your suggestions!
    2021 2024 T@b 400 Black Canyon, 2020 Ram Rebel 1500  
    One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    Try using a bit of rubber window/door seals or just some caulking robe. Stuffed into the gap.  I would not use a sealant that would be hard to remove.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • MooreeMooree Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2022
    I don't really have to worry about where to buy decor sealant after using this caulk from Dicor. It can prevent leaks and can stay sturdy even when the rain pours down on it. It also has very strong adhesion which makes it very sticky and able to hold still on pretty much any material. It can hold its own on aluminum, fiberglass, wood, vinyl, and even concrete. Aside from adhesion, it’s also really flexible and able to seal cracks and holes.

  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    Do not seal the bottom of the plastic panel.  If water does leak past your upper seal you don't want it trapped inside the panel.
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