New Owner Help- 2005 T@B

I bought a 2005 t@b from a neighbor. Sounds old I know but it has never been used except a few times to sleep in, they are elderly and bought it on a whim they said from an owner who never used it because her spouse passed away shortly after. There are even tags in the refrigerator! Its in excellent condition but all original parts and never winterized. We live in CA but in central mountain area so it does get down to 30 at night. We just replaced the water pump to a shurflo 55psi and now our faucet sprays at the seams!! Thinking a faucet replace? Its also a shurflo
Also, we get the A/C on (says my husband, I haven't been there to witness) but the heat does not operate. Any ideas where to start when it comes to replacing heating components? Tips and links appreciated!thanks! Its a "cool cat"


  • jgram2jgram2 Member Posts: 1,522
    Welcome come to the forum! A little background might be helpful. Your T@B was built by Dutchman who had the rights up to 2010, when Pleasant Vallley, now known as NüCamp began building them. Do you know if your trailer was under cover most of the time? Does it have an indoor kitchen or is it a clamshell with the outdoor kitchen at the back? Does it have a wet bath? The Tabs are restricted to a maximum of 50 psi so you don’t damage the plumbing. Many folks use a pressure regulator even when using city water camping in their driveway, and a surge protector whenever hooked up to power, at home or camp.

    You can search in the upper right search field on Cool Cat, but I’ll bet others will offer suggestions. You can also search on Dutchman or DM for more info.

    No answers from me, just more questions, sorry!
    John, Judi, Guinness & OD in PDX
    T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner 

  • jgram2jgram2 Member Posts: 1,522
    @Efortuni, in fact, we have several DM T@B forum members. 
    John, Judi, Guinness & OD in PDX
    T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner 

  • EfortuniEfortuni Member Posts: 7
    It was not under cover unfortunately. Thanks for the info. It is not clamshell, no bath.
  • MouseketabMouseketab Member Posts: 1,232
    OK, you have two modes of heat. One is the Heat Pump portion of the Cool Cat. It will blow warm air when the temperature is above 40. Your thermostat should have 3 settings , air, heat pump, and furnace. The second is the furnace. You must turn on the gas and have electric shore power or some battery power available to run the furnace. The A/C and Heat Pump will only run on electric.

    You have a 3-way fridge. It can run on electric, gas, or battery. The battery should ONLY be used when you are driving with a 7-pin connection and a charge line.

    If the battery came with it, I would check the battery to see if it is any good and replace if needed.

    One major rule, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER tow with the brake handle up.

    If the tires are original, get new tires. They are NOT trailer tires. They are low profile car tires. The size is correct. Don't let them talk you into trailer tires. You may have to take the wheels off, don't mention it's for a trailer, and just get the tires replaced.

    It looks like you are missing the grate over the stove. Elsie at NuCamp can probably sell you another one.

    Also, always tow with the shades and screens up. The tabs that hold them closed are fragile and could break in transit if you hit a bump in the road.

    You also need to check the grease fittings under the tongue for the surge brake, that can dry out and cause brake problems. Use a standard grease gun.

    If you continue to use the big table, travel with it folded down mode.

    Watch your internal weight. The Max weight on the Dutchmen units is 1939 lbs gross. Your trailer probably weighs 1500-1700 lbs empty, so load as much extra stuff in your tow vehicle as possible.
    2007 Dutchmen T@B Clamshell #2741
    2022 nuCamp T@B 320 CS-S
    2021 F-150 502A Lariat SuperCrew, 3.5 EcoBoost 4x2
    Harvest, AL
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,804
    I think if it were me, I would have someone check to make sure your LPG lines are not leaking.  Do you have a LPG/CO detector?
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,623
    edited October 2018
    You might find some useful information here: (must join T@B Facebook group to view) (must join T@B Yahoo group to view)

    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • Lesley_and_IanLesley_and_Ian Member Posts: 67
    Welcome!  We have an 07 DM T@B so similar in age.  The photos look amazingly similar.  I cannot give you advice as we are newbies too but we have loved the simplicity of ours so far.  We live in Wisconsin so we do winterize, RV antifreeze in the container under the big cupboard and be sure it flows through to the faucet, and take the battery out.  That is it!
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