Fresh water pump starts to suck air while tank shows 19% remaining

Recently took our new T@B out for it's maiden voyage and all looks good so far.  One annoying thing is that the water pump started cycling air from the fresh water tank while the indicator still showed 19% full.  With only an 11 gallon fresh water tank, that's leaving about 2 gallons not accessible.  I'm thinking maybe the freshwater pickup in the tank isn't fully on the bottom?  A rather small annoyance but has anybody else experienced something similar?  Any fixes?


  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited May 2019
    @rharder, this issue has been noted multiple times. Various explanations include the shallow tanks and the inherent inaccuracy of the tank sensors, the inability to empty the FW tank completely, and the propensity of the pump to lose its prime when the tank gets low.
    I don't think there's much you can do about it other than just learn the quirks of your own trailer. I don't even have tank sensors--sometime I look underneath with a flashlight to check the tank visually, but most of the time I just top up with five or six gallons every couple days and call it good.
    One of things I'd like to measure at some point is the amount of water you can actually draw from a full tank with the pump. Maybe a project for later in the summer... 
    2015 T@B S

  • tybladesmithtybladesmith Member Posts: 178
    Lowering the tongue a little will help get the last of the water out by pump or low point tank drain behind the step, next to the tire. My pump starts sucking air at 13% Indicated, when level.
    Kay and Tom - SW Wisconsin - Silver T@bernacle - 2018 T@B 320S Boondock Silver/Black trim TV, 2018 Chevy Colorado, Silver/Black trim, Duramax, TowHaul, IntelliHaul
  • webers3webers3 Member Posts: 417
    Exactly same situation here. The SeaLevel gauges are pretty worthless IMHO
    2017 T@B 320S   2019 Jeep Cherokee - Southern Connecticut
  • 4ncar4ncar Member Posts: 1,072
    I think worthless is a bit harsh. Like any gauge it provides you with information, what you do with that information will vary. If we know that 13% is empty...fill it at 14%. I carry 12 gallons outside of the trailer at all times, well knowing the limitations of the water tank (not the gauge).
    TV- '16 Chevy Colorado LT Crew Cab-DuraMax
    2018 320S Outback
  • rharderrharder Member Posts: 14
    Many thanks to all for your feedback.  Very helpful!
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