T@B 320 CS, the yellow do-hickey. It can be pulled forward (180 degrees) or can stand up (90 degrees). Correct me if I am wrong but it appears to be connected to the cold water feeding the Alde hot water tank - correct? The manual has no mention of what it is or what it does.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
0 ·
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Later today I will be receiving a my water pressure regulator so that I can hook up to city water and see if that helps with filling the alde tank.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Make sure the pump filter is clean and screwed on tightly. Make sure all connections serving the pump are tight to prevent air from entering. You can always unscrew the inlet pump tubing (by G) and see if it will pick up water when submerged in a bowl/bucket/glass of water.
2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue)
2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
It can also be a sign of a leak somewhere downstream that prevents it from reaching the full pressure needed to turn itself off.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
I = black hose is part of the Alde glycol flow assembly and attaches to the auto air-bleed valve (bleeds air from the glycol). The clear hose attaches at the top of the Alde and allows air to enter the water tank to prevent a vacuum when draining the tank.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.