Shower assembly screws pulled out

i have a 2021 Tab 400 BDE and the vertical slider piece that holds the hand held shower wand pulled out if the wall.

Has anyone disassembled the shower assembly to know how the escutcheons are attached and come apart?


  • ChrisFixChrisFix Member Posts: 739
    edited November 2021
    The cap on the top of the vertical rod (you can see the seam) comes off. Gently pry it upwards to remove it and that will release the horizontal piece that has the escutcheon that attaches to the wall. It is just a friction fit.
    I had the exact same problem...
    After two years of looking and considering...finally the proud owner of a 2021 T@B 400 Boondock!
    2023 Honda Ridgeline RTL-E with Redarc Trailer Brake Controller
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    That’s all I have to do is threaten my Tab400 with the intellectual powerhouse of the forum and it yields!   Lol

    i just figured it out.  

    Pull out the end cap and somehow loosens escutcheon from the vertical
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    what size screw did you use to fix yours?  I don’t know how thick the white high pressure laminate board is or what is behind it to grip any attachment screws 
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    There should be a plywood bulkhead behind the shower wall, between it and the closet/large fridge compartment.  Our 2018 TaB400 has a plywood bulkhead (partition) up against the shower enclosure, which forms the wardrobe locker.  Photos of 2021 models show the same plywood panel installed.  Not sure why the screws didn’t grip the plywood panel, unless the screws were too short?
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    thank you for letting me know about the bulkhead.  Do you recall if the bulkhead is 1/2” or 3/4” plywood?

    yes, the screws are too short.  Actually, they used the same size screws for the bed springs and the same problem is happening there with them pulling out,  - in essence, only about 3/8” of the screw tip is biting in.  That’s just not enough.

    pics attached-
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,378
    I also think they just over-torqued all of the screws in the interiors. I’ve run across a ton of over-torqued and stripped out screwholes that I’ve had to do the toothpick-and-glue treatment to. They need to stop using drivers and switch to a regular drill with the clutch set appropriately. Drivers are terrible to use on these tiny screws. 
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    @Snoblett, the plywood is 1/2-inch, try a 3/4-inch or 5/8ths screw.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • ChrisFixChrisFix Member Posts: 739
    edited November 2021
    Snoblett said:
    what size screw did you use to fix yours?  I don’t know how thick the white high pressure laminate board is or what is behind it to grip any attachment screws 
    Sorry I don't recall the specifics...I just reached into my collection for something that looked like it would work - which is almost anything bigger than what it came with. Hasn't been a problem since.
    And you are correct about the Froli screws also routinely letting go...they are just too small.
    After two years of looking and considering...finally the proud owner of a 2021 T@B 400 Boondock!
    2023 Honda Ridgeline RTL-E with Redarc Trailer Brake Controller
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    I also think they just over-torqued all of the screws in the interiors. I’ve run across a ton of over-torqued and stripped out screwholes that I’ve had to do the toothpick-and-glue treatment to. They need to stop using drivers and switch to a regular drill with the clutch set appropriately. Drivers are terrible to use on these tiny screws. 
    Yeah, the strap that prevents the bathroom door from opening too far yanked out abd im pretty sure glue and a toothpick are required.  In this case the screw wasn’t too short and I’m pretty sure I can’t blame it on NuCamp. My dog’s head was stuck between the door and the kitchen drawer, so either my dog’s head was going to give or the door.   My dog won the battle!  Lolol

    the whoas of tiny living ;-)
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,378
    Haha, yeah I'm paranoid about those straps on the bathroom and wardrobe doors. One of these days my kid will probably swing one open too hard...we'll see what happens. 
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 834
    edited November 2021
    I'm sure not contributing to the intellectual powerhouse of this forum..... I've never seen or heard the word escutcheon! I still can't even pronounce it after looking it up on Google! 
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    You’re too funny.   The word has way too many vowels.  It would make a great word if it was part of a phrase on Wheel of Fortune!

    It is pronounced scutch-in

    Escutcheon plates are used everywhere in a house, like the round plates that a door knob leads into, or the round shroud that covers the hole in the wall where the bathroom plumbing goes.   Those things.   Scutch-ins.  Sometimes they are used to cover the ugly hole where a light fixture is mounted to a ceiling.

    There ya go.  It’s probably been a word that has been around you but it’s one of those words that is rarely spelled.

  • haha! Exactly! Heard but never seen spelled out!  Thanks for the lesson! I really needed it!  I would love to see them tackle it on Wheel!  I'm going to try it out on my boss who is always sending out emails that you need a dictionary to read.  I would love to be able to stump him. 
  • fstop32fstop32 Member Posts: 389
    "escutcheon", what a great word!
    DaveR middleTN - 2015 320S  /  TV 2003 Tundra 4x4
  • PintoplumberPintoplumber Member Posts: 177
    Escutcheon is a word we use often.
    2016 320 CS-S  1954 Ford F100  2017 Chevy suburban 
  • dragonsdoflydragonsdofly Member Posts: 1,927
    I know for a fact that I use the word "escutcheon" more frequently than the technical terms "thing-a-ma-bob or whatcha-ma-callit" and it's a bit more precise!
    2017 t@b sofitel(Dr@gonsFly)TV 2015 Silverado 2500hd(Behemoth). Wyandotte, Michigan.
    Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
  • SlackersSlackers Member Posts: 476
    I nominate Escutcheon as the word of the day.
    2019 Tab 320 CSS, 2019 Ranger TV, OH
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    Slackers said:
    I nominate Escutcheon as the word of the day.
    I think it’s en especially nice word when all it’s syllables are pronounced instead of the usual  “scutch-in”
    ess scuh chee un

    Personally, I think there are 4 syllables with the last two , chee un, being softer abd almosted blended.

    The syllable counting website proclaims 3 syllables
  • GhannanGhannan Member Posts: 32
    Nce removed, does the escutcheon slide back to expose the screws?
  • GhannanGhannan Member Posts: 32
    Got it.  Pull down plug at bottom of vertical bar and the post is released.  Plastic insert comes out, revealing screw heads

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