Empty glycol tank

I wonder if anybody can answer this?
 When winterizing, is there a valve that I may have opened or closed,  that caused the glycol tank to empty?
I have a 2015 320 CS. The glycol tank is empty,( I just winterized ) and I think I remember that this also happened last year when I Winterized.
Thank you for any help.


  • Hi, the glycol release is a plug and something that is more difficult to remove and is accessible from under the T@B.   Its not one of the levers inside under the bed.  I had a 2015 320 also and I'm trying to remember now what it looks like under there. I think the plug on mine was black.  Did you pull out a plug from the underside of the T@B?  See if you can find any leaks around your radiators inside. Do you have any bulges in the black hoses where it attaches to the metal radiators?  Have you had the glycol switched out since you owned it? Its supposed to be changed every two years.  
  • PMoloneyPMoloney Member Posts: 6
    I just checked and see no leaks near the Radiators, the black hose also look fine. I definitely didn’t remove the plug from under the tab. We’re lucky enough to live near a very knowledgeable Tab  dealer and we do send it in for maintenance because we’re not terribly handy. I’m pretty sure the glycol was drained and replaced about a year ago. The Aldo bypass little toggle under the sink wouldn’t drain the glycol from the tank?
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    As noted above, the Alde fluid drain is a brass plug in a rubber hose that extends out from the bottom of the trailer behind the driver side wheel.  A spring clip over the hose holds the plug in place.  Please note several owners have experienced a cracked nipple in the overflow tank (I was one of them).  This would result in Alde fluid leaking directly under the tank.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • PMoloneyPMoloney Member Posts: 6
    Thank you I will check that.
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    @PMoloney the Alde bypass under the CS sink is for antifreeze to bypass your Alde water tank and fill the cold and hot water lines.  It is completely separate from the glycol system that runs through black hoses to heat the fins under the benches.  I think I would question the dealer if you have twice found an empty glycol tank after they winterized.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • BrianZBrianZ Member Posts: 1,765
    edited March 2022
    Could be a stuck or  faulty air bleeder valve at the top of the Alde, which should normally only release air from the system, but could release glycol to the ground from the drain hose.  Also, the valve is supposed to be supported to keep it horizontal, not tilted at an angle, which could cause it to stick open & release Glycol.  The bench seat can push it down in some cases, and there should be a bracket to keep the hose level.
    -Brian in Chester, Virginia
    TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
    RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods 
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    Sounds like the dealer pulled the wrong plug under the trailer, and drained the Alde glycol system instead of the water drains (thinking it was part of the water low point drains).
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • rcarlson1957rcarlson1957 Member Posts: 203
    I had a problem with losing fluid recently on my 2018 T@B and it turned out to be a cracked nipple on the expansion tank. Talked with NuCamp tech at T@bazona last week and he said they carry it in stock at NuCamp. He said it happens because the stress from too tight a bend on the hose and said they put an elbow hose on it to relieve the stress. He said they keep it in stock too. I'm also getting a 45 degree elbow with a 12" manual bleeder valve extension for the opposite side in the back of the T@b. Sometimes if get too much air in system, the automatic bleeder valve can't handle it and you have to manually bleed it. The extension makes that process a little easier. Good luck!
    2018 TAB 320S Silver/Black
    2020 Honda Ridgeline RTL (AWD) Lunar Silver Metallic
    Rick and Barbara - North Texas
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