2022 East Meets West-Washington State Gathering



  • 2Cougs2Cougs Member Posts: 917
    @dbrislawn @Travelbugs @Schmittjl @kmweise @VictoriaP @TabiK and anyone else still hoping to join us... note there is a site coming available.
    2016 T@B CS-S silver with white trim and WSU themed
    Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
    Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA

  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    @2Cougs How do you want split reservations listed in the spreadsheet? I’m still stalking a B or C site with hookups for the whole week I plan to be at the park, but I booked A loop for the first half and B loop for the second half some time ago…will be switching sites on Saturday unless something changes. I believe we have at least one or two others who also ended up with more than one reservation like that.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    To all, I want to apologize for being MIA at this time. I took off for the Tabazona rally March 5, my copilot pup Reggie died from seizures in Mesa,AZ, the morning of March 15, rally was March 16-20 (fun! 110 Tabs and Tags, 180+ Tabbers!) hung out three more nights waiting for his cremains and warmer nights heading north, and currently in Flagstaff. It’s been a rough go for me since he died. I’m planning to be home before April 5-6ish, not sure yet and trying to enjoy my journey. Can you tell I’m retired now?!  :D
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • 2Cougs2Cougs Member Posts: 917
    @VictoriaP - put it in the first site and note days you are in that site in the column for arrival… then do the same for the second night but note ***Split Reservation where you would usually put  your forum name.  If things change 🤞🏻 you can go back in and edit your info.
    2016 T@B CS-S silver with white trim and WSU themed
    Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
    Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA

  • markathmarkath Member Posts: 12
    We will be in G-1 with two others. We have a 2020 T@B 400, Maureen Callaghan has a 2016 T@B 320 S, Ed and Lasha Steinweg have a new 2020 320.  We are each being joined by family members in tents!  See you there.  Some arriving Thursday, some leaving Monday.
  • CampsiteGalCampsiteGal Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2022
    I'm camping in a tent #38 at Lincoln Rock State Park Fri-Sat since I am looking at purchasing a TAB and I hope to learn a lot more from your setups.
    2022 T@B 400 BD, the T@bacabana
    TV: 2017 Chevy Tahoe
  • RomanaRomana Member Posts: 47
    tawney said:
    Is anyone interested in a spot at Lincoln Rock State Park from Wednesday May 18th until Sunday May 22nd?  My daughter was going to come but unfortunately won't be able to make it.  It's site 3 in the A loop.  I wanted to check here before I cancelled it online.  If interested, please let me know and we can do a transfer.
    I'd be interested!
    Romana - 2005/6 Thor T@B T16
    Towed by 2003 Toyota Tundra Stepside
    Port Townsend, WA
  • RomanaRomana Member Posts: 47
    I just noticed A loop does not have power. We need power.
    Romana - 2005/6 Thor T@B T16
    Towed by 2003 Toyota Tundra Stepside
    Port Townsend, WA
  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 610
    edited March 2022
    @Homebodyatheart I'm so sorry about Reggie. :'(
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • 2Cougs2Cougs Member Posts: 917
    @CampsiteGal - Go ahead and add your name to our spread sheet.  You are right... this is the PERFECT way to learn more about T@bs!!!  There will be lots for you to look at and people to pick their brains about their trailers.  So glad you are joining us!!!
    2016 T@B CS-S silver with white trim and WSU themed
    Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
    Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA

  • AldebaranJillAldebaranJill Member Posts: 457
    tawney said:
    Is anyone interested in a spot at Lincoln Rock State Park from Wednesday May 18th until Sunday May 22nd?  My daughter was going to come but unfortunately won't be able to make it.  It's site 3 in the A loop.  I wanted to check here before I cancelled it online.  If interested, please let me know and we can do a transfer.

    I am interested! I sent you a PM with my cell number
    2013 MAXX T@B towed by a 2015 Volvo S60 5 CYL AWD Sedan
    Seattle, WA
  • AldebaranJillAldebaranJill Member Posts: 457
    edited April 2022
    2013 MAXX T@B towed by a 2015 Volvo S60 5 CYL AWD Sedan
    Seattle, WA
  • AldebaranJillAldebaranJill Member Posts: 457
    Many thanks to @tawney for letting me purchase her reservation in A loop. So looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones in May. <3
    2013 MAXX T@B towed by a 2015 Volvo S60 5 CYL AWD Sedan
    Seattle, WA
  • 2Cougs2Cougs Member Posts: 917
    edited April 2022
    A little more than a month away!!! :smile:
    Don't forget, we need you to put your name on our spread sheet or there will not be a welcome packet or memento for you. ;)
    It is easy... just go to this link and fill in your name and site.

    2016 T@B CS-S silver with white trim and WSU themed
    Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
    Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA

  • MissScarletAnd3DoodsMissScarletAnd3Doods Member Posts: 25
    If anyone needs to cancel from May 19-22 (3nights) - prefer Loop B (full hookups) or Loop C. I'm a newbie and not quite ready to dry camp just yet. 
    Please let me know. Thank you  
    Tri-Cities, Washington State (The Fabulous PNW!!!)
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite (Miss Sc@rlet)....she's originally from the South 
    Tow: 2023 Toyota Tundra

  • ParlandoParlando Member Posts: 132
    I'm interested in a cancellation.  Prefer C loop Boondocking, or with an electrical hookup.  Thanks
  • ParlandoParlando Member Posts: 132
    I meant to say that any loop would be great.  We prefer dry camping, but hookups would be fine.  We do not have a bathroom in our T@B so we don't have to have sewer.
  • StanStan Member Posts: 3
    Happy April. May is just around the corner.  It is with a sadden heart that we will not make it down to Lincon Rock. It is just getting easier to get across the border but, with the price of gas and the poor exchange rate.  It is getting hard to travel in our pocket book . We have loop B37 May 19-22. . We have someone who is in A loop that would like our spot if someone would like there spot in A loop. We will also look at anyone who wants B loop instead of A loop. If interested, please let me know and we can do a transfer. 

  • 2Cougs2Cougs Member Posts: 917
    @Parlando @MissScarletand2Doods @Romana and all the others looking for a site… @Stan has an available site!!!  

    Stan, so sorry we won’t get to see you.   Hope next year!!!!
    2016 T@B CS-S silver with white trim and WSU themed
    Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
    Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA

  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 352
    I have Loop C Site 93 reserved for the rally but have to cancel. I plan on canceling this Sunday. Just giving people a heads up..
    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
  • MissScarletAnd3DoodsMissScarletAnd3Doods Member Posts: 25
    @Binghi .... what days do you have Loop C available?
    Isn't Loop C the full hookups? I am VERY interested. Please let me know. 
    My cell 1 (509) 531-9680 if you would rather text or call.
    I am a TOTAL newbie - not sure how all of this works.
    Interested in any days that have to do with May 19-22. 
    Thank you - Laurie

    Tri-Cities, Washington State (The Fabulous PNW!!!)
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite (Miss Sc@rlet)....she's originally from the South 
    Tow: 2023 Toyota Tundra

  • MissScarletAnd3DoodsMissScarletAnd3Doods Member Posts: 25
    @Stan - ditto what I said to @Binghi.
    I think actually Loop B is full hookups - which I'm more interested in (TOTAL NEWBIE - LIKE TOTAL NEWBIE)
    I'm just trying to find a site to meet my nuCamp people in this state.
    See my above information to @Binghi.
    Really want full hookups over partial or dry.
    Please let me know and I'd be happy to work with you.
    Thank you SOOOO much!!!
    Tri-Cities, Washington State (The Fabulous PNW!!!)
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite (Miss Sc@rlet)....she's originally from the South 
    Tow: 2023 Toyota Tundra

  • StanStan Member Posts: 3
    good morning 
    I think sent you an email. I hope you got it. Let me know we can talk .
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496

    At Lincoln Rock, loop A is zero hookups, loop B is full hookups including sewer, loop C is electric and water only.

    That said:
    The East Meets West event in 2019 was my very first trip with a Tab as a solo RVer (I did have prior RV experience, but long before and as a couple, had never done any of it by myself). Knowing what I know now? It’s the best possible place to get your feet wet even if you have to take a site with zero or partial hookups, because you’ll be surrounded by other Tab owners who can and will help. So, don’t worry too much about what loop, just grab whatever site you can get your hands on.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • markathmarkath Member Posts: 12
    Isabella T@B 400 awning. Model from 2018 fits all Boondocks and regular 400s (2sizes of legs). Bought a Walker tent and don’t need it. All new poles etc. top is like new.  
    Also selling Flame genie. Used 2-3x. Not for us. Like our solo better though it is much heavier. Has a canvas carry sack. We carried on our front platform in a box. 
  • markathmarkath Member Posts: 12
    Isabella awning new is $929 at allproadventures.com
    Flame genie 16 (13.5” diameter) is $145 plus canvas bag on Amazon ( can’t find bag cost)
  • MissScarletAnd3DoodsMissScarletAnd3Doods Member Posts: 25
    I'm sure hoping I can squeeze into one of the cancelled spots.
    I'm such a newbie camper that I am dying to learn from all of you folks.
    FYI - I'll even need help backing mine up - haven't figured it out yet UGH :(
    I'm hoping the spot of @Stan works out - we just need to figure out how to communicate ;) - I'm on this forum every day watching.
    Tri-Cities, Washington State (The Fabulous PNW!!!)
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite (Miss Sc@rlet)....she's originally from the South 
    Tow: 2023 Toyota Tundra

  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    I'm sure hoping I can squeeze into one of the cancelled spots.
    I'm such a newbie camper that I am dying to learn from all of you folks.
    FYI - I'll even need help backing mine up - haven't figured it out yet UGH :(
    I'm hoping the spot of @Stan works out - we just need to figure out how to communicate ;) - I'm on this forum every day watching.
    Deep breaths. I promise you can do this. Lots of solo campers out there. I’m actually planning to back mine into my site for the first time on this trip; with split reservations, I get to do it twice. LOL I have the Purpleline trailer mover installed so I don’t have to ever back up if I don’t want to, but really, I think it’s time I learned how! 
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • ParlandoParlando Member Posts: 132
    We just made a reservation for 3 nights starting on Friday May 20.  We are in A-11.  Looking forward to meeting folks. 
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @Parlando great! Don’t forget to register on the spreadsheet link above so we have things ready for you. We look forward to meeting you, too! 
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
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