Tab400 inside shower hose

Trying to enjoy my 2018 Tab 400, but my enjoyment is being frustrated by repair issues.  The latest is the bathroom shower hose.  Some genius thought that it was a good idea to have a hose with a 3/8" fitting at one end and 1/2" fitting at the other.  This is nowhere near a standard part.  Not only that, the supplier is not indicated anywhere on the shower head adding to my frustration of finding a replacement part.  Can anyone provide some help?


  • HoriganHorigan Member Posts: 706
    Are you trying to replace the hose or the shower head?  Why not just replace both?
    2019 T@b 400
    2013 Toyota Highlander 3.5L V6
    Bellingham WA
  • Paul1959Paul1959 Member Posts: 27
    Yes, that was a thought that I had.  I ordered the Oxigenics Fury that folks were raving about.  I came in with 1/2" fittings on both ends of a really stiff hose.  Also, new wand does not fit well in the old holder.  I am convinced that I need to get a direct replacement hose for existing unit.  I am going to call a dealer on Monday to see if I can get one on order.  Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Paul1959Paul1959 Member Posts: 27
    OEM replacement will cost about $100 with direct shipping.  Must be ordered by dealer.  I think that this might include the shower head as well.  Playing phone tag with a dealer now.  At least this dealer called me back!
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    If you don’t have any luck, try Missouri Teardrop Trailers.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Paul1959Paul1959 Member Posts: 27
    Received the hose direct from supplier.  It is the hose only!  100 bucks, nice... Anyway, the OEM supplier is Scandvik.  Part number is 14229.  I checked their website and the part is about $60.  I would guess shipping to be about $10-15.  Anyway, this might help somebody save some money on the replacement.  Now all I have to do is get my wonderful Norcold fridge fixed and my Tab400 will be whole.
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