Help for new owner/Alde/panel

We recently placed the battery back in the new to us 2017 Tab 320 CSS after a long, cold winter. We used a photo I took of it last fall prior to removing it as a reference for installation The battery is charging when we have it plugged in. Lights are working. Water pump turns on. The Alde panel does not turn on. I have ordered the F3.15A 250 glass fuses as we discovered that both fuses above the alde are blown. My question is: what would have caused the fuses to blow and I assume shut down the panel? We used it all last summer successfully. We wish to avoid blowing the fuses again. Thanks.


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,065
    edited May 2022
    The fuses in the 2017 Aldes (and around that year) were susceptible to blowing whenever a "power change" was made:  shore power turned on, or battery power turned on.  The culprit was usually ascribed to a lousy grounding design.  The fix was to "remember to always have the Alde turned off when you are done with it" to prevent the power surge that blew the fuses.
    The fix that worked for most of us was: change over to slow blow fuses from fast blow fuses. Slow blow fuses have worked for me, since I'm certain that my Alde was off when I blew my fuses......

    This thread has some info, a quick search for "slow blow" will give you a bunch more threads.  This problem has "mostly" disappeared on the newer 3020 Alde installs with the single fuse.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    Don't feel bad, just know there is an easy fix.  We just experienced the same thing - and our Alde has the grounding fix!   So much for that solution:)

    Once you replace the fuses, you will likely need to remove the 12V Alde supply then replace it to reset the panel.  We also got a "gas failure" error and disconnecting the 12V supply briefly resolved that issue.  Do that with the panel turned off. 
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • KLRKLR Member Posts: 11
    Thanks for your suggestions pthomas745 and Sharon_is_SAM. We had the Alde panel off when the battery was installed.
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