Okay, I'm working with a 2020 T@B 320S Boondock with a solar panel from the factory. I'm still using the original 70ah wet battery.
I'm finding that the solar from factory is enough to support the fridge on a low setting in Spring and early summer. Later in the year, or in shaded locations the fridge will pull that battery down below 12v over night. This should surprise no one here, I'm sure.
I'm considering buying an inverter generator to supplement the electricity and allow the occasional microwave use while boon docking. The models I've been looking at are: Energizer EZV2200P or the Champion 1600W / 2000W Inverter Generator.
This is all well and good BUT...
1. If my battery is down 50% (or to 12v) and I plug in the inverter generator to the trailer, how long will it take to charge the battery back up? An hour? Two hours? 10?
2. Is there a better way? Should I be plugging a battery charger into the inverter generator and boosting the battery directly?
Any thoughts on this are appreciated. We are just looking at keeping the fridge running and enough power to run the tap now and again. When day length is limited we aren''t at that level right now. I know a change of battery is probably warranted, but one small step at a time.
Thanks for your help.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock, Chevy Avalanche, Happy wife.
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1. I did some testing with an amp clamp and after the first couple of minutes the charge current into the battery drops to 10 amps at best. So you're looking at 2 hours+ to get maybe 20 Ah into the battery.
2. Using a battery charger directly would only be better if it is a high end shop/commercial charger that can charge at 20 A or 40 A. The ubiquitous auto store charger is not any better than the converter.
B} If my rig, would not run-off to purchase Lithium Batteries but would consider going to a
larger AHr AGM battery.
C} I'd also look at adding a portable solar panel to increase your solar input . .
D} Also, consider turning Fridge off after midnight and save a few cooling cycles and AHrs
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
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2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road
Design your system and set your expectations accordingly when camping off grid.
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2021 T@B 320S Boondock, Chevy Avalanche, Happy wife.
@Denny16 said "I do not think a 200AH AGM batrery is going to fit in the front tub, and even if it did, this size AGM weighs 200lbs and would increase your tongue weight past the 10-15 percent, of the trailers gross weight, recommended for the tongue weight. A 100AH battery on the TaB320 will be more than enough for 3-4 days of camping, and with solar, you shouldn’t even drop below 50% of charge level."
Some excellent points. I'm going to look into the larger battery. Thanks
2021 T@B 320S Boondock, Chevy Avalanche, Happy wife.
Thanks to @Grumpy_G for a very detailed and specific answer. @WayneW added some clarity as well. Much appreciated.
We're going to do some early season camping and contemplate the power issue before we buy new hardware.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock, Chevy Avalanche, Happy wife.