Help- metal discoloration bearing repack see photos

We are repacking our bearings but found discoloration on the axle and in the middle of front bearing. ( it’s blackened so perhaps a heat build up? ) The bearings look like they are in ok shape. 
Other photo is some sort of scratch or score mark on the axle. Don’t know if it was there last year? Does it matter ?
And, the seal was REALLY difficult to get off.  Any thoughts ? Not particularly mechanically savvy 🙄 would appreciate any advice. 
2019 TAB 400 Boondock Lite 


  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    My opinions only. The first picture is not heat discoloration. Heat normally causes blueish discoloration. If the bearing was turning on the shaft, the discoloration would be farther down where the bearing seats, the radiused part. The last photo, I don't know. Nothing should be close to the shaft there. That's between the bearings. Make sure the inside of the hub had nothing in it.

    To remove the rear seal: Set the drum, outside up on the floor. With a small board, reach through the front to the rear bearing. Use a hammer to tap out the bearing. It will push the seal as it moves. Tap on the bearing and not the inner bearing race. Notice I said tap and not bang. Replace with new seals. Bearings can be repacked and replaced. Look at the sides of the rollers for scratches or discoloration.

    You have your original Dextor brakes. That's good. The Dexter brakes work a lot better than the less expensive after market parts.
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    The blue on the inside of the bearing in the second picture looks like heat. If it were my trailer I would hand pack with real wheel bearing grease. If you use the EZ lube system, made sure the grease canister is marked for "wheel bearings." Some general purpose grease canisters are not for wheel bearings. 
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
  • SierraSierra Member Posts: 42
    Thanks, we decided to buy new bearings for both the front and rear bearings. Had a few suggestions from another post. Nice to know about the brakes. The brake is a little more work in this side and the spindle nut seemed quite loose when it was taken off so perhaps there was some extra play.🙄
    2019 TAB 400 Boondock Lite 
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited April 2023
    I'm not 100% sure as was some time ago, but I vaguely recall the same "scoring" on my axle. It looked like a deliberate marking to me (as opposed to the result of abnormal wear) so I didn't pay it much mind. Maybe someone else can confirm before I get back into mine again.
    There is an inexpensive tool called a "seal puller" that facilitates getting those rear seals out. They are tight!

    2015 T@B S

  • SierraSierra Member Posts: 42
    Thanks, we just bought one of those. Ours needed a lot more brute strength. !
    2019 TAB 400 Boondock Lite 
  • SierraSierra Member Posts: 42
    Had a few comments from others on Facebook and an experienced friend look at the scratch and they weren’t too worried about that either. 
    2019 TAB 400 Boondock Lite 
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    It does look like it was made during manufacturing rather than in use. 
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
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