Hi folks-- We're considering the purchase of a 320 (and hoping to try one soon). We've never owned a camper before. The Battle Born package is a pretty significant upcharge, but with the difficulty in finding electric sites (especially on weekends), it seems like it might be worth if for the flexibility of camping at non-electric sites. One question is about what this add-on buys us, in terms of capacity over time. Can we run the A/C overnight (and some in the day) at a site in the summer where it's 85 or 90 during the day and 65 at night? And how long will it last? And I'm assuming that the solar won't be adequate for full recharging during the day? I do realize that it's impossible to give a firm answer, but I'm hoping some folks with experience can give us some real world feedback. Basically, would be able to get away with 2 or 3 nights at a tent site in a summer setting? Thanks!!
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I suppose on the recharge, our small portable generator (quiet) could be used to supplement the solar, but I'm sure it's not kosher in tent areas to run generators for long. I figure it would be later this summer before folks with the BB package would be able to provide feedback on run times, etc.
A 200Ah lithium phosphate (LiFeP04) battery connected to a 400 watt DC load with 80% Depth of Discharge will last for almost 5 hours.
So let’s see, you have a fridge which we know already consumes about 30 Ah per day of use. And an A/C that consumes more than twice the power of the 400 watt load listed in the above reference. Plus some loss of efficiency due to the inverter, because A/C on the 320 is powered off the 110v system, not the 12v, so the inverter is required. At best, with the fridge off, it appears you’re still only looking at a few hours to deplete 200 Ah of batteries. Which your 100 watt panel will not restore in one day, since it takes more than a full day of maximum sun (an impossible thing in itself) to recharge 200 Ah from a single panel.
This setup really appears to be designed more to run the A/C briefly while you’ve stopped at a scenic overlook for a quick lunch in the trailer during the drive to your destination, and for cooling off for an hour or so in the evening. It’s not nearly capable enough to power A/C nightly while boondocking on a multi-day stay. And generators are often limited to certain hours or banned outright. If A/C is truly a requirement, you’re still best off getting a powered site.
That said: I personally wouldn’t consider boondocking with a 2021 or later 320s with less than the 200 Ah of this setup. Again, you have a fridge that eats 30 Ah per day, combined with the fan, entertainment system, water pump, lights, etc., and a bunch of parasitic loads because some of these things don’t turn actually turn completely off unless you add kill switches to them. I also personally wouldn’t boondock without an additional portable solar setup of 200 watts to pair with that battery configuration, because at the very best ideal conditions, a 100 watt rooftop panel still doesn’t actually give you 100 watts. Under less ideal conditions? I’ve seen as little as 6 watts on an overcast fall day in the northwest…latitude & season both matter, as much as clouds and trees. Solar’s truly an amazing thing, but a 100 watt panel on a curved roof just isn’t enough in many locales, not with that fridge chewing through your battery. And rooftop + portable solar is ideal…you can get some charge while driving and at some times of day from the roof, and can park in the shade while still capturing some rays by putting the portable into the sun.
So regardless of A/C use, I’d spring for the package unless you are comfortable with DIY electrical. It’s expensive, but it’s using also top of the line components.
(All this goes out the window for older models. 3 way fridges on propane cut your power use WAY down. I can run my entire Tab minus A/C on 9 Ah a day, which is easily restored in a couple hours by a 200 watt portable panel and decent sunlight.)
2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
2020 Subaru Outback XT
Pacific NW