Alp Propane Generator

I’m considering purchasing an Alp Propane 1000 watt generator. I found general discussions on the forum regarding the Alp and other propane generators, but I could not find any member discussions on actual use. I have a 400 Boondock with solar and last year I had a few days were I ran out of power. We experienced a couple snow storms and overcast sky's from forest fire smoke in the Colorado Rockies. I’m hoping that the Alp at a minimum would power my Alde (propane mode) and slowly recharge my AGM batteries. If there was any energy to spare I would also like to power my 2 way frig at the lowest power setting. Since the Alp would be my first generator purchase and use, I’m also a little unsure about the electrical hookup to the 400. I’m assuming I can connect a 15 amp dog bone to the generator and the other end to the 400 standard shore power cable. 
I realize that you can parallel a second generator if needed, but I’m hoping that a single will do the trick. Any real world experience would be greatly appreciated. 
2021 T@B 400BDL Solar, 2021 Ram 1500 Rebel Diesel


  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    edited February 2021
    Someone just gave it a pretty poor review in the T@b Camping Facebook group

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • 4ncar4ncar Member Posts: 1,072
    jkjenn said:
    Someone just gave it a pretty poor review in the T@b Camping Facebook group

    Jenn: do you recall?  I'm gonna try & search it as I am interested in it as well...😬
    TV- '16 Chevy Colorado LT Crew Cab-DuraMax
    2018 320S Outback
  • 4ncar4ncar Member Posts: 1,072
    4ncar said:
    jkjenn said:
    Someone just gave it a pretty poor review in the T@b Camping Facebook group

    Jenn: do you recall?  I'm gonna try & search it as I am interested in it as well...😬
    Ok... found it.  I'm in a 320, and am not needing it to power everything, just to be a "cloudy few days" backup to solar.  I am not too disheartened.
    TV- '16 Chevy Colorado LT Crew Cab-DuraMax
    2018 320S Outback
  • NovaTabNovaTab Member Posts: 91
    take a look at the

    Champion brand

    2021 TaB 320 Boondock, Gran Cherokee TrailHawk

  • SlackersSlackers Member Posts: 476
    @NovaTab funny you mentioned Champion.  I was browsing the Home Depot website and found a nice dual fuel 2000 watt Champion.  It's more than I want to spend but I'll try to rationalize the cost as it could pull double duty at home during a power outage.
    2019 Tab 320 CSS, 2019 Ranger TV, OH
  • NovaTabNovaTab Member Posts: 91
    $520 at
    2021 TaB 320 Boondock, Gran Cherokee TrailHawk

  • TAOSMACTAOSMAC Member Posts: 27
    Thank you for all of your comments. I’ll take a look at the Champion dual fuel generator. I’ve also submitted a request to join the T@B Facebook Camping group so I can read the review on the on the Alp. 

    Does anyone have a comment regarding the electrical hookup to the 400? I’m assuming I can connect a 15 or 20 amp dog bone to the generator and the other end to the 400 standard shore power cable. 

    2021 T@B 400BDL Solar, 2021 Ram 1500 Rebel Diesel
  • usmchfdusmchfd Member Posts: 8
    I just ordered the alp generator through their website, will be getting it in a couple a days.  I have a tab 320s and trying to see how long will it run ac on a 20lbs propane tank.
  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    usmchfd said:
    I just ordered the alp generator through their website, will be getting it in a couple a days.  I have a tab 320s and trying to see how long will it run ac on a 20lbs propane tank.
    Please let us know. I'm definitely interest to hear how it works out for topping up the battery.
    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • TabsterTabster Member Posts: 118
    Check out the Baja 900 watts at home depot. Low cost. Can run off of small propane tanks or 20 lb. I have one and it tops off my 320 CS just fine. Light weight too
    2015 CS. Ford f150 v8. Southern california
  • usmchfdusmchfd Member Posts: 8
    I got it yesterday and I'm running the tests today. I started with the tank weighing at 32.8 lbs ran it for an hour, no load but on eco mode. I changed the oil after that hour and it look like it was 6 months old, the propane tank now weights 32.6.  I just hooked it up to the tab and the ac is running flawlessly with the battery charging. When I turned the battery off it slowed down and went to eco mode. I didnt check the charge but it was revving up with it on. Sorry, I don't have anything to measure wattage or voltage. I will be running it for 4 hours with just the ac on, will post the rest of the test results. later. Just got off work and will be taking a 3 hour nap.
  • usmchfdusmchfd Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2021
    is the pic of the 1 hr oil change

    Second oil change.  It looks like it used a little oil but it never turned off.

  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    Tabster said:
    Check out the Baja 900 watts at home depot. Low cost. Can run off of small propane tanks or 20 lb. I have one and it tops off my 320 CS just fine. Light weight too
    Thanks for the info. 
    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • usmchfdusmchfd Member Posts: 8
    Just finished the 4 hr test and now my propane tank weighs 30 lbs flat. The ac ran the whole time but I could hear the generator rev down and then up average 6 minutes at low rpms and and 9 mins a little higher, maybe the compressor turns on and off on that particular ac unit.
    So, I used 2.6 lbs of propane with a 20 lbs tank (assuming is full) x 4 hrs. 20÷2.6x4hrs= 30hrs. Hobothech said 26 hrs which might also be right since he was at 7000 ft above sea level, I'm  at sea level.
    I like it for day trips to the beach and overnight camping trips and mainly for power outages here at home. I have options, if I can't find gas for my honda 2000i I have 2 20lbs tanks and a 5lbs tank at the house. The noice level compared to the honda is almost the same except my honda is at low rpms the whole time. The smell is night and day compared to the honda, I couldn't smell anything unless I got real close to the exhaust. The alp smells like your running a heater. Size and weight is a big difference compared to the honda and storing it is easy takes little space and I don't have to worry about my carb getting gummed out by gasoline. Only time will tell of the quality since it hasn't been in the market that long. 
  • N7SHG_HamN7SHG_Ham Member Posts: 1,261
    Wonder why oil is getting so dark that quick? I would think with clean burning propane it wouldn't do that, not with one hour and four hour runs.

    My propane Honda doesn't smell at all that I know of, very clean exhaust.
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
  • usmchfdusmchfd Member Posts: 8
    I'm using 10w30 pennzoil, I was going to ask if it was normal for the oil to get that dark that quick and became very thin almost like water. Hopefully it's just the breakin period.  I didn't  mean to say its smells bad, it's just different. I will be running it next week for 8 straight 8 hrs, I'm going night fishing and only taking a 500 watt par 64 light. Let's see how it performs out in the elements.
  • SlackersSlackers Member Posts: 476
    How'd the Alps perform on your fishing trip?
    2019 Tab 320 CSS, 2019 Ranger TV, OH
  • usmchfdusmchfd Member Posts: 8
    It worked fine, I used a 5 lbs propane tank and i ran it for over six hours with plenty propane left. It was as quite as my Honda. Overall for one 500 watt light it did its job. Now if I bring friends then I  would bring my honda and run more lights but I'm usually by myself so it worked for me. Sorry no pics, I can't figure out how to make them smaller.
  • nbrandtnbrandt Member Posts: 65
    I have the Sportsman Duel Fuel Sinewave 1800 Watt / 2200 Watt startup from Walmart.  About $500.  From what I can glean it has a Yamaha engine.
    I've had it for three years.  I've never put gasoline in it.  It runs and runs.  It provides safe power for electronics.  It powers the toaster oven in the trailer and the NOCO battery charger at the same time when we are without electricity.  It is quiet - perhaps not quite as quiet as the Honda, but it is certainly $500 less quiet enough.
    It came in handy for powering the refrigerator and freezer during an ice storm power outage this past winter here in Oregon.  It also runs the Homelite Electric Chain saw for cleanup of downed limbs following the storm. 
    It weighs about 50 lb but worth every ounce.

    The one caution on propane that I have heard is that they don't start or run well at high elevation.  That hasn't yet been put to the test in our camping. 

    I like not having to carry gasoline.  I have a 1 gallon refillable at any propane station that makes setup a breeze.

  • Beckblaze9Beckblaze9 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2023
    I read the threads on the propane generators.  I’m considering the ALP based on our usage needs and the sleek design.  Are there any new comments on this brand, or anyone get a similar one that they love?  Looking to add a generator to run the water pump, fan, and lights mostly and occasionally the Alde.  We rarely use our A/C.  Thanks!
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    We bought a 25 pound Baja 900W/700W propane generator from Home Depot, but not sure if they still carry them. Only use it for charging our batteries when solar's not keeping up. Works fine for that.

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • GregChrisGregChris Member Posts: 190
    Will dual fuel run from the aux propane hook-up on the tab, or do you need a separate tank?
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    @GregChris Don't have, but pretty sure that the propane port installed by nucamp is regulated and the generator needs a non-regulated connection. You could put a "Y" splitter on your existing propane tank or do what we did. That was to purchase a 5lb tank to use with the generator or to use our griddle out at the picnic table.
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • GregChrisGregChris Member Posts: 190
    We have a Champion 2500, not dual fuel, they were not available when we bought ours. I think not worth changing if I still need a separate fuel source. Taking a 1gal gas can along has not been  a big inconvenience.
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