MPPT Settings for Lithium

Hi all,

I swapped out my AGM batteries for lithium (see other thread) and installed a Victron Smart Shunt. When I set up the shunt I used the settings for lithium and the capacity of the battery, etc. I am wondering about settings for the MPPT though. I see a ton of threads out there (in non-tab forums), but a lot of conflicting info, so I am wondering what folks have done with their MPPT settings after switching from AGM to lithium? 

Right now the shunt is reading 13.63v, so it looks like I'm getting a good charge, but I've read that certain settings can harm lithium batteries (like equalization - which was turned off for me anyway).

Thanks for any tips!


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,065
    (You should still give us the year and model of the trailer!)

    You have the Victron solar controller.  The controller is the "battery charger" of the solar setup, so it is the one that needs to be set for lithium battery charging.  It isn't hard.  Find the "Battery Settings" page for the Solar controller, and you will have a choice: to accept the "lithium preset" from the Victron, or the "Expert Mode" where you can enter the parameters you can find in your battery documentation for charging.

    In the Shunt settings, the only thing that really needs to be set properly is the battery capacity.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • immanenceimmanence Member Posts: 100
    @pthomas745 thanks!! I couldn't find the equivalent parameters from LiTime, but someone in that thread suggested contacting them for Victron setup. Seems smart, I am going to try that!

    Also they mentioned a LI switch on the WFCO. Didn't realize the WFCO has a switch too. I will have to look for that.
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,065
    If your WFCO serial number ends in "LIS" it means it has a switch that can go from Lithium charging to lead acid.  If it has "AD" in the number, it means "Auto Detect".  Many owners simply bypass the WFCO's, and use either the solar to charge the lithium or a separate "stand alone" charger for them.  Your "standard" WFCO will charge a lithium to about 85 percent.  There has been a ton of effort and expense put forth to get the WFCO to produce that extra 15 percent. 
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • immanenceimmanence Member Posts: 100
    @pthomas745 oh I see, thanks! Yeah I should have added per your suggestion that this is a 2021 tab320BD which I am pretty sure comes with the AD, but I will verify.

    I resigned myself to the 85% charge with solar top up for now. I am not sure the extra charger is worth it in my particular case. 
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 583
    immanence said:
    @pthomas745 oh I see, thanks! Yeah I should have added per your suggestion that this is a 2021 tab320BD which I am pretty sure comes with the AD, but I will verify.
    Most 2021's did not come that a WFCO that charges Lithium. My 320S Boondock was built in Feb. '21 and still has the lead acid charger. Here's the WFCO model numbers to compare:
    WF8735/P - Not for lithium batteries (charges to ~80%)
    WF-8735LiS - Has switch for charging lithium batteries
    WF8735-AD - Auto Detects for charging lithium batteries (doesn't always so you may have to fiddle with it)
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
    2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
    2023 Ford Maverick XLT
    The Finger Lakes of New York
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    SmartShunt settings ...

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

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