During a nice spell of weather, I partially removed the cover on our Tab 320s bd and discovered that the melting snow had created a fair size puddle in the low spot between our rack (Yakima bars plus a Bouge RV aluminum cargo carrier) and the vent cover at the trailer's high point. I looked around and found inflatable bags designed to keep water from pooling on covered patio furniture. A 36" x 72" bag seemed about right to lift the cover where the pool forms, and I puffed it up today and inserted it under the cover above the rack. I inflated it to about a foot thick at the center. It looks like it will do the job, but I'll have to check it after the next snowstorm melt or rain.

Drone photo with remant of a larger puddle atop the trailer.

New roof profile with the bag inflated under the cover.
2023 T@B 320 S Boondock