A real queen matress in our UT

rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,047
edited May 2024 in Modifications & Upgrades
For many years we were okay with the OEM cushions and a memory foam topper in SUNT@B (2009 CS).  Not the case with our UT.  The standard cushions didn't fill the bed space very well leaving gaps everywhere and were very unsupportive.  The topper we used for years didn't really fix it.  I gave up on all of it and ordered a good quality "folding queen mattress" and abandoned the original cushions and our topper.  I found a folding 6 inch "hybrid" queen mattress that was exactly the dimensions of our bed space (58x80) on Amazon and grabbed a black Friday deal on it.  It fits great, feels great, and I'm looking forward to a significant improvement in comfort this season,  Not sure if this is of any use to other forum members but we're looking forward to improved nights this season.


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