We took M@bel on her first trip off-road back into Pike National Forest, CO near Rampart Reservior. Nothing fell off or apart (although a piece of paper managed to get securely stuck under the cabinet under the fridge). We were woken by a noisy coyote at 2:30am, so jumped out and got a night shot with the Milky Way.

After buying our Outback we are still struggling with the concept of being offroad - we don't want to push too hard and break it and get stranded - and then again if it can't handle some rough roads why did we buy it?
M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.
I did. Hwy 24 to WP, take Rampart Rd at the McDs intersection. Follow that to Voy Rd. Go straight when you get to the intersection of Voy and Rampart Range Rd. They call it Shubarth Rd at that point, but it becomes FS307...just follow it till you want to stop or it ends. :-) The Jeep pulled it with no issues at all. I didn't even need to go into 4-wheel drive. We had a full fresh tank and 33% full on the black tank going up.
M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.