
Replacing Alde Fuses

The Alde was working fine when we put the 2016 Tab Max S to bed last fall, but it's not working on either electric or propane now. The 15-amp fuse for the Alde in the converter is fine. The valves all appear to be set correctly. After removing the black plastic cover to expose the Alde's two fuses, I can see two glass fuses that appear to be mounted in green plastic housings that appear to plug into the circuit board. One fuse appears to be fine. The other (the one closest to the center of the unit) might be blown, but I need to remove the fuse to inspect it more carefully. I'm assuming that to remove the fuse, I will need to pull the green plastic plug that houses the fuse from the circuit board. Correct???? (I don't want to harm the Alde so I'd like some assurance that it's okay to pull on the green plastic plug)


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