Has anyone removed their air conditioner in a T@b Q and turned the opening into a cabinet. We are kicking the idea around, haven't used the air conditioner in the 2 years we have owned our Q.
Happy Trails,
Phil & Anita - Driftless: 2018 T@B 400/2015 Ford Explorer

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Phil & Anita - Driftless: 2018 T@B 400/2015 Ford Explorer
The lower drawer holds everything cooking and dishes except the silverware which are stored in drawer that I also added by adjusting location of the refrig (shown in second photo). Just to round out, there is a photo of the area below the sink where I also added pull out drawer for teapot and other things to get to in the morning. Lower cabinet contains spare stove, cleaning/etc.
Phil & Anita - Driftless: 2018 T@B 400/2015 Ford Explorer
Phil & Anita - Driftless: 2018 T@B 400/2015 Ford Explorer
2008 DM T@DA — Towed by 2014 Dodge Durango — Full time since 6/29/17
"Travels With The Tiny"
There are some good threads here on removing the A/C. If I actually get around to doing it, I'll get back and post my thoughts on the cabinet conversion. In the meantime, keep the ideas coming!
2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
2008 DM T@DA — Towed by 2014 Dodge Durango — Full time since 6/29/17
"Travels With The Tiny"
@Tabaz, did you ever follow through with ordering/installing the door for the A/C cabinet? If so, how'd that turn out?
2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
Now heading to Nevada and Arizona we decided removimg maybe short sided
Phil & Anita - Driftless: 2018 T@B 400/2015 Ford Explorer
The air intake fan and outlet cable were in the way. I removed the fan, disconnected and capped all the wires, and moved them off to the side. A piece of 1/2" plywood (painted black on the outside) was friction fit into the A/C grill to close the opening and hide the unfinished back of the cabinet insert:
I built a box from scrap plywood and installed a flanged frame on the face:
The box slides in in place of the A/C. The frame is secured with two screws, in the same manner as the trim that was originally around the A/C:
Once I was sure everything fit, I attached a simple slab door:
I may spring for the matching door from NuCamp at some point, but this gets me started with a total investment of <$6 (for the hinges and the pull). It's a fairly small cabinet and it doesn't fully utilize the A/C space. I'm not sure exactly what we are going to put in it, so time will tell if it was worth the bother!
2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
2014 320S
2016 kia Sorrento SXL V6