Just for fun, pick one photo from 2014, post it and tell us about it. It'll get us excited about taking photos of our upcoming 2015 adventures. This one is my favorite. It's like an advertisement for everything I love to do! I have packed, racked and mounted all of this stuff for two years now and I've got it down to a science!

I loved this spot at One Mile Campground in Almont, CO. In addition to being a great campsite, I really felt like I hit my groove with the T@b at this juncture of my trip. I am really looking forward to returning to the area in 2015!
I also had put together a little video of my 2014 trip taken from my cell phone and Gopro shots and footage. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1204CB255C38A39D!193711&authkey=!AJOjjDq6sEWnoyU&ithint=video,mp4
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra
Happy Trails Y'all
You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you!
Martin, love the silver on silver.
You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you!
RZRBUG, This is a well taken and Beautiful Picture. Post Card perfect as is said.
TV is a 2007 Jeep Liberty. Own 2015 T@B Maxx s/wet-bath white green. St. Clair Shores, MI.
I will say, the redwoods have one significant negative -- the trees are so tall and dense that solar is pretty useless when boon docking (the one below is at night, but the picture from Humboldt is from noon at the Burlington campground -- I had to turn on my interior lights in the middle of the day to do things in the tab). But a great location to walk thru old grow groves in the area.
deputydog: Thanks. It's my favorite picture I've ever taken in my travels for various reasons. Technically, it's not perfect, and the composition could be a little better, but still...
mash2: I've seen this photo before, and it is definitely worth a repeat. Excellent.
Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra
Happy Trails Y'all
How can I not love a T@b photo from just up the hill from me, the first State Park in California
I love the Pacific at sunset, make me miss my sailboat
But I'll let everyone get back to their TAB pictures, now. Sorry folks. When I look at any tab picture, I see the landscape that were all around it and get excited remembering the beauty of the places....and remember the images and memories... why I have a T@B.
I promise I'll be quiet for a while...
Well, suppose I need to get my sunset photo included. I travelled all the way to my back deck this afternoon to get this one.
Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra
Happy Trails Y'all
Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra
Happy Trails Y'all
You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you!
I'm in the desert boondocking (BLM) and a full moon pops up over the mountains behind me. I go get my camera gear and in my rush to set up I walk right into a little cacti. By the time I got all the needles extracted the moon had risen and clouds had moved in :-(
Those needles are just the really small ones I couldn't pull out through my jeans. It's amazing how hard they are to pull out. They have little barbs on the end like fish hooks. I'm just glad this cati was only thigh high. I hate to think of the pain if it was much higher.
Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra
Happy Trails Y'all