we have somehow discombobulated this crank and cannot open the vent or operate the fan. Any ideas?
Agree with Hymie, you probably have the lock engaged on the vent cover that locks the cover in place. You will need to turn the lever handle to disengage it and once this is done you should be able to able to fully open the vent cover. Once the vent cover is extended upward some, there is a built in switch that activates the fan motor (activates after the cover is raised about half way up) when you are using the fans speed control.
Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
You may want to remove the round interior screen to see better. There is a small lip on the edge of the screen. Gently, but strongly, pull it straight down. It may seem like it will break, but won't. You can then remove the fan blades themselves held on with just one screw. This should give you plenty of access to diagnose the problem.
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I agree with your suggestion. Ours came loose after the first month. I went to the trouble to remove the screen, etc, before realizing all I needed to do was to tighten the screw in the handle!
To alleviate my head banging that knob, I removed the screw and now keep the knob velcro'd nearby. To open or close, you just hold the knob tightly pushed in, and turn.
Agree, the OP probably has the lock engaged.
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Agree, the OP probably has the lock engaged.
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