This is a Mod that I have added to other RVs we have owned. With it there is know more need to latch the door open manually. It will help to control the door In windy conditions as well. Cost about $20. The gas strut is 6 1/2” compressed 10” extended rated at 20lb load plus 2 right angle ball anchors. I like this so much I wish I had done it sooner.
2011 T@B
Rockingham, NC
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
(Sorry if I embarrassed you Dale & Sandi, but you've come by the compliments honestly!)
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA
If one were doing this mod to restrict the door from opening beyond, say, 100°, in order to protect an awning mounted in the keder rail, would you have any advice for mounting it differently, maybe farther left? Or get a shorter one?
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
Most auto parts stores carry a selection of these gas struts. The proper length as stated earlier. No more than 20lb load rate. Here is a better picture showing placement.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
It like a trunk lid. The open position is determined by there the strut is positioned. A 90* position is attainable.
Thanks for the kind words. Right now we are getting rained on pretty good at Lincoln Rock. Tomorrow looks to be better.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
it depends on the type of hinge you have. Can you provide a picture?
So, when you unlatch your door, does the strut take over & pop it open it for you, or does it just gently finish the job after you push it open? Trying to get an idea of what might happen, since there's no lifting involved like with the weight of a car trunk lid. Wouldn't want the door to hit me in the face. 😜
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
It was rated as 25 lbs, but when I pushed it down on my bathroom scale & let up on it just until it started expanding, it registered 31 lbs. I was able to install it so it opens a bit past 90°, maybe 100°, so the door should fit under the XL awning we have on order. The lower anchor is 2" from the hinge, and the door anchor is 9.75" from the hinge.
I may look for a weaker one, but in the mean time, it works well enough. I can see why people would love this when there is a significant wind.
Thanks again for your help.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
look for a 20lb strut. Make sure the screws in the plastic trim are long enough to go through the frame behind it.
Screws or bolts & nuts? I'm guessing a bolt with 3 sets of nuts, behind the plastic & both sides of the metal frame, would be best. Hope my holes in the trim are in the right place. The devil is always in the details.
Thanks, @Dalehelman !
I've ordered this 20-lb one - price is actually much better than a 15-lb one I found on Amazon (<$20 shipped)..
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
I used self taping metal screws.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
Thanks again, Dale.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods