Roof Sealant

eltonelton Member Posts: 13
new T@B owner of 1 yr old 320 S with roof sealant problem.  Please help me with  how to repair these sealant cracks and also advise why previous owner might have had to seal these roof seams.  The unit shows no evidence of even ever having been used.  What caulking or sealant do you recommend, or does this roof area even need to be sealed?  See photos attached.


  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    That is cosmetic, only, no sealant is required.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    There is a tiny exposed screw under there that secures the trim--probably why the factory puts that dollop of caulk, though they certainly take no pains to make it pretty. Small cracks sometimes radiate from the screw hole (they did on mine) so it's one of those things I check on an annual basis.

    It does look like the previous owner shmooied some additional sealer in there, though it's not clear why. As jkjenn noted, the trim is purely cosmetic.
    2015 T@B S

  • newellnewell Member Posts: 182
         This is truly the weak spot on the T@B. I have probably read more about this cob job than almost any other problem on the camper.  I have also had both of my front trim pieces replaced once by my dealer in New York and once at the factory. 
         Austin at the factory did a pretty nice job on mine after I refused to accept the job my dealer did.  Austin also explained to me that this is a decorative trim only and doesn't do much of anything to repel water intrusion.  He also said this is a very difficult part for them to install and he would love to find a better solution. As far as the gob of caulk, I think that is part of the installation and just be thankful this little beauty is on top where it doesn't show.  Attached is a photo of mine.
         Also, be glad it's not black because they seem to crack and break eventually due to the heat expansion from the dark color.  

        Earl & Sue | Central NY |
    2017 T@B 320S | TV: Chevy Silverado
  • LisaTucsonLisaTucson Member Posts: 62
    Thanks for pointing this out. My 2016 320s has the exact same issue. Happy to hear it is cosmetic! It’s still unsightly and I’d be interested in anyone’s cosmetic fix. 
    Tucson, AZ
    2016 T@B 320 S Outback ("Scout")
    TV: 2013 Lexus 450h
    "You never know when you're having good luck." ~ Unknown
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