We have the 320. I've always been fuzzy about how the hot water tank works in relation to the fresh water tank. Based on my observations, this is how I believe it works. Starting with empty tanks not using the city water connection.
Filling the fresh water tank does not fill the hot water tank. I'm saying this because when I filled the FW tank I left both the FW and the HW drain valves open and I only got flow out of the FW drain valve.
Once the FW tank is full (the SeeLevel gauge only reads 94% when the FW tank seems to be full) I switch the water pump on and both cold and hot sputter. Eventually both stop sputtering and I get even flow out of the faucet. I'm assuming that turning on the HW faucet draws water from the FW tank into the HW tank and when the HW side has even flow with no sputtering, the HW tank is either full or full enough to allow even flow.
At that point the FW tank is no longer full and I can add water to top it off.
Both the HW and FW tanks seem to run out of water at the same time.......that is they both start sputtering and the flow substantially stops at the same time. Based on the SeeLevel this occurs at about 13%. I believe this is somewhat accurate as I can still drain water from both tanks after this has occurred and the reading does get down to 0%. The HW tank seems to take longer to drain that the FW tank.
Using a city water connection is essentially the same except the city water connection replaces the FW tank.
Other observations-
The FW tank seems to be located forward (towards the hitch) from the drain valve and the fill point seems to be located in the forward portion of the tank.
The water pump and the SeeLevel sensor is located in the forward portion of the FW tank because when I had the trailer jacked up high at the front I ran out of water at the faucet really quickly and the SeeLevel reading was low. When I lowered the trailer the tank then read 64% and the faucet started working again.
Thanks for your comments about whether I have the operation correct. Sorry about being long winded.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
@scaup, since the Alde hot water tank holds 2.5 gallons, one thing you can do if planning on dry camping, is to hook up to city water at home, open your taps to fill your plumbing lines and to fill the hot water tank, then put adequate water in your fresh tank and prime your pump. When you arrive at your campsite (assuming you have a water source for the fresh tank), you won’t waste water priming your pump/lines.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920