So @Dalehelman challenged me to mod his mod. So I did. This piece of pipe insulation stops backflow from the hose, is about 2” long and just glued in. :) (View Post)
@ScottG I finally got up the nerve and installed the fuzz on both side windows. Many thanks to @rkj__ for a great description of a much simpler method! Here’s what I did: Don’t take any of the framin… (View Post)
@dhauf I actually have removed the velcro when I was messing around with it and no harm was done as long as I went very carefully. I have had very poor luck with command strips sticking so I go strai… (View Post)
I don’t full time, but @Dalehelman and his wife traded down from a 40’ trailer to a Tab 320S Sofitel and love it. They usually spend three months each year in warmer climates, so they part time-full … (View Post)
I want to apologize to all of you for being an “absent host” online this year. I’m in Southern California with my Mom for the third time this year helping her as her health declines and memory slips.… (View Post)