You should call Dexter Axle as they are the company that manufactures the AL-KO axles for the nuCamp factory. They should be able to give you recommendations for beefing up your frame and the right a… (View Post)
I agree, these episodes although less than desirable are learning adventures and do make people stronger. I've traveled well over 50K miles and more pulling teardrops across the US, on remote/deserte… (View Post)
When I travel I always keep an eye to the sky and to my iphone, etc. in tracking approaching weather systems and for planning out routes in a manner to stay safe and out of harms way as best I can. I… (View Post)
Dutch Valley Inn, just west of the factory and on the south side of Route 39. Great food and a place I make it a point to stop in on every trip to the factory!… (View Post)
There is a ton of information on brake controllers here on the forum. Use the search function above and it will bring in a wealth of information. There is a great wireless brake controller out there … (View Post)