Wish you could have attended. For myself, was one of the more enjoyable meetings in a long time. Perhaps, in was the @Dalehelman attending effect ;) (View Post)
@sequimite; At one time I considered getting the Curt RockerBall. Then I tried a receiver/draw bar tightener. The tightener fully resolved the for-aft jerks on my rig. Do you have a tightener install… (View Post)
Perhaps you should remove the Battery in-line Fuse and see what happens. Removing the fuse will 100% disconnect the battery. If all 12VDC then is off, a defective cut-off switch or installation erro… (View Post)
I agree with @Denny16 that due to the wet-bath the Barefoot is more like the 320 than a TAG. But it does have one huge difference: -+- Fiberglass construction So maybe an extra Category, Barefoot Spe… (View Post)
@tomricknancytonya ; Many folks place an inline switch on the 12VDC Model TeleV. One switch source is: https://www.amazon.com/TronicsPros-Inline-5-5x2-1mm-Connector-Adapter/dp/B01FT4RBBM/ref=sr_1_9?c… (View Post)