Background: Have not been TAB camping since May (doing Boat camping for summer, a different adventure{?}) and just did a long weekend TAB trip. Three nights dry camping. On fourth/fifth nights was in… (View Post)
I like the two tank system . . . with two tanks and a Single Drain Point one can dump the black then use the Grey to flush/clean the lower area of the black tank and the dump hose(s). While what-if'i… (View Post)
HaHa =) OK, but real world nüCamp and nearly every other RV builder is not doing ideal installations {layout issues, cost, marketing over-ride physics}. So, IMHO, WFCO fouled up making the unit auto… (View Post)
You do not say if the 16RB is a Bambi or Caravel . . . . IMHO part of the Airstream 'quality' image is pure marketing. Have you ever watched an Airstream Factory (build) video? They have lots of pote… (View Post)
No Thanks for me. Keep It Simple with standard wired technology. These days any vehicle really intended for towing something like a TAB will have factory installed trailer wiring. (View Post)