I have zero light curtains in my bedroom at home. I've learned how to feel my way around. So far I've managed not to pee in the waste basket. =) (View Post)
I noticed while browsing the Teardrop Shop today that you can redeem your points in lieu of money when purchasing an item. For example, if an item costs $4.00, you can get if for 400 points (at least… (View Post)
I posted this once before, but perhaps it bears repeating, especially for those who may have missed it the first time around. It is a study on trailering published by the extension service at Purdue … (View Post)
I didn't and wouldn't. The original stuff sticks pretty good. Actually, the original was still in excellent condition. I just added a dab here and there to be safe. (View Post)
This was not a difficult task. It does require scooting around on your back and being a bit of a contortionist, but fairly simple. Here are some observations: 1) Wear safety goggles as you will be on… (View Post)