Of course, my boy is a wee bit on the long side..... Verna, look how much he's grown! This is us at a small park called Pocomoke during October. He went with me and my family on a Potomac Christmas B… (View Post)
@fstop32 Rescue Tape! That stuff is magic. Forget anything like Flex seal. I used this stuff to seal my wheel wells from water intrusion (an issue with the Retro, not the T@B). I do keep Flex Seal ta… (View Post)
@ScottG @Verna does have much power. Never underestimate her persuasiveness! Well, my new Harley is an inch too long to go in straight. I can get it in if I take the ramp at an angle. In the meantime… (View Post)
@Verna Long time, so see! Biochem person here with some organic and inorganic chem in Masters (PhD was Microbiology - all of that chem in action!). @Denny16 's comment was correct. No interaction bet… (View Post)
I also travel with a service dog. A very large German Shepherd named Rocket. He loves everyone, but when working, he's pretty stoic. At 10 mo, he's 83 lbs! He's going to be as big as his Daddy. (View Post)