Not to toot my own horn (translation: I'm about to toot my own horn...) but I feel VERY VERY fortunate/lucky to have purchased my 2015 brand new, with cash, on impulse, for $17k. I thought that was e… (View Post)
Some recent projects have rekindled my relationship with the T@B wiring. Although there is a rainbow of colors in there (not always used consistently) so far all the original 12V DC negative wires I'… (View Post)
Unclear, @Tabaz, though I doubt it as the bleed valve is not at a low point in the system. I'd be more inclined to try this with the actual glycol drain, though your concern regarding running the pum… (View Post)
As a related aside... I just replaced my still serviceable but aging battery (now serving as the spare) with a new group 31 wet cell. First trip was four days of clouds and rain so thick I didn't eve… (View Post)