It ain't easy. Don't shoot the messenger! :-) FWIW, this access panel has served me well for six years an… (View Post)
This has come up a few times in the past--you might be able to pull up the old discussions with a search. IIRC having it professionally redone by a body shop was floated as an option--but that's prob… (View Post)
I think this for sale posting has some useful info regarding these devices. I won't delete it, but I've edited the title and moved it to a different category. (View Post)
The top pic is mine, from my 2015-S. I don't think the basic wiring scheme has changed much over the years. To add my $0.02 to this discussion, I almost never fuss with running the fridge while on th… (View Post)
All a bit tongue-in-cheek, folks. Although I rarely camp with electrical hookups, I do have the propane fridge. I rue the day when I need to replace it, but can't because they don't make them anymore… (View Post)