After ruminating on the C-JACK literature and photos, I began to wonder if its more robust specifications were due in part to it not moving in an arc as the foot is lowered. It seems this has been di… (View Post)
Funny, I was just recently thinking about your "special" T@B and wondering if you had the frame cracks that plagued several 2015 models. I didn't want to ask 'cause I didn't want to jinx it… (View Post)
Looks like the same basic design as previous T@Bs, though perhaps with a higher STATIC load capacity. I use the ones on my 2015 for FINE leveling as indicated in the product description. By this I me… (View Post)
This is a new one on me, and a very different (and potentially much more serious) crack than those reported on certain 2015 models. What are the (what appears to be) empty holes forward of the crack.… (View Post)
Thanks for chiming in, @Mona. I remembered you had scheduled service quite some time back and await your report on both the corrosion issue and what nuCamp does to "ground" the Alde. (View Post)