Here are a some older threads that might be of interest:… (View Post)
TabberJohn is correct. There is free source code that in-house developers can use to build their own forum interface, but nuCamp has thus far sprung for the pro-version for us. I appreciate that, too… (View Post)
@Glider11, I'm not sure I would say a surge protector is essential, as I (and others) have plugged up to shore power many times without one and lived to tell about it.However, if you don't like livin… (View Post)
@Verna, that test is currently in process--I turned everything off and will try it again when I get back home.@Sharon_is_SAM and @webers3, I have the old analog (slider) control panel that is basical… (View Post)
I think that's a good choice, since you already had the dual 27's in the pipeline anyway. While you may not ultimately need all that juice, I've yet to hear anyone complain of having too much reserve… (View Post)