I've had a tumultuous relationship with the fridge in my 2015 (likely the same model as in your 2014). It takes anywhere from five to forty-five seconds to light, and then I have to hold the button f… (View Post)
Having occasionally liberated magic smoke through my own negligence, I understand the importance of keeping it contained. It's a relief to know replacement smoke is available. However, having now des… (View Post)
Yep. Getting the air purged seems to be the bugaboo for me, and I've yet to figure out a reliable method to make it happen. Some times everything settles right in, other times the pump complains for… (View Post)
Wouldn't it be easier to just run the fridge on one of the dedicated settings (AC or propane) if switching automatically to battery is a concern? Is that an option with these fridges? This seems to m… (View Post)