That's funny, @gulfarea. In my comment above to @Da_Birds I was also going to add that getting the trailer positioned just so--not to mention perfectly level--is another way I kill time setting up. I… (View Post)
No trap in the black tank version, either, just a big hole directly from the bowl into the tank when the flush handle opens the gate valve. With either configuration, if the tank stinks, you'll know … (View Post)
Earlier model T@Bs had a funky table that went up and down--in the down position it supported the bed. However, many owners (me included) disliked that clunky monstrosity and removed it and replaced … (View Post)
Yes, definitely test the fuse first. Most multimeters have a simple continuity setting (which is based on resistance). Touch the probes to each side of the fuse. If it beeps, the fuse is able to pass… (View Post)
And this is a good point. Makes me wonder if the bit of slack is intentional in order to keep pressure off the deadbolt (and its associated linkage and lock) when the deadbolt is engaged.On a relate… (View Post)