@CrabTab, the only thing I really worry about in my Boondock platform tubs is the 25’ 30 amp electrical cord and the 25’ 30 amp electrical extension, as thieves seem to like copper. I don't consider … (View Post)
@webers3, I was going to try to explain, but I realized I don’t have the terminology down pat to explain. If you read this discussion ,starting on page 5 (pages 1-4 are from 2016 to 2019), there is a… (View Post)
Spilled red wine on your new white t-shirt? Put Dawn on the spot, graft a soft brush (nail brush, old tooth brush, etc.), add a bit of water, then scrub the spot until it has disappeared. Rinse, let … (View Post)
To clean those nasty black streaks under your windows on the outside, grab a bottle of “Awesome” at Dollar General (the other Dollar Stores and Olllie’s has it, too). Spray “Awesome” full strength on… (View Post)