Enquiring minds will need to know: what sizes are those nicely done PVC pipes? And, those "rubber "gaskets"? How did you make those, or are they some sort of standard part? Fittings/ad… (View Post)
@lisawarninger Thank you for the confirmations. We often get confused by the "lithium packages". Your Victron solar controller type is listed in the "My Devices" screen shot: it i… (View Post)
Was the shore power actually reaching the trailer? What exactly were you plugged into? When you turned on the electric elements, the pump didn't start? So, check to make sure the circuit you are plug… (View Post)
You have access to all the other Alde controls? Hot water, heat, etc? You say the Alde is working..what exactly is it set to do when it shows the "grayed out" temp control?I don't know if t… (View Post)