Dexter has a 10 year warranty on the Torflex axles in the trailer. We have seen some axle issues (misalignment, etc) and Dexter has replaced them.But, as far as a straight "replace it because of… (View Post)
In theory, in a lab, under perfect conditions, a 100 watt panel can produce 8 amp hours to charge your battery. Under more "normal" conditions, I was happy to get 5 or 6 on a good desert da… (View Post)
The ethylene glycol in the G12 is still toxic, and it is possible for the Alde to contaminate the water system in the case of a failed boiler tank.It is also possible for the Alde auto air bleed valv… (View Post)
For those of us without the tools and skills to take a wheel hub apart and put it back together properly, using the EZ-Lube process is much easier. It does take skills and some simple tools, of cours… (View Post)
@MuttonChops the amount of heat around the Ez-Lube system is very strange. You would think millions of trailers are disabled at this very moment with blown rear seals. (View Post)